" so let's start how many guest am I feeding?" I asked him as I retrieved my notebook from my desk and took a seat back on my very expensive couch.

" well we are having a little bit of a small wedding I really just want the real people there so maybe at most 200" he said

" what type of food do you want? I know your fiancé culture so I want to know if I need to provide those foods"

" you're just amazing but yes I'm going to give you my list I already have it written down my fiancé will give you his how about this weekend dinner at my place with your husband?"

Ummmm I think the fuck not but I can't say that I put on a smile that looked real but was definitely fake cause like what Really I have no words. But I'm Octavia Madden I got this

" that sounds lovely Andreas will be there" I said forcing out a smile.

" great how is married life going by the way? I heard you just won couple of the year"

It's going fucking horrible

" it's fabulous it has its ups and downs but it's still good so the wedding is in New York correct?" I questioned wanting to not lie even though I had to

" yes we're having it in the Hamptons"

" that sounds really nice I can't wait to start working this will be a long journey"

" indeed it will"


" Mommy someone is knocking on the door!" Serenity yelled I stopped playing music and left my office heading downstairs.

It was just me and Serenity at home that shit of a man is staying late of course. I opened the door surprised seeing Caleb here.

" what are you doing why are you here?" I asked him not really liking him just showing up at my home

" I wanted to talk about um us " he said giving me flowers he hid behind his back.

it was Lilly's my daughter was all allergic
To those me and Andreas made sure it was never near her.

" I can't take those Serenity is allergic and you can't just show up here and I didn't ask you to don't over step you need to go" I told him closing the door he put his hand stoping the door.

" how about I take you out to lunch?"


" Caleb you have been over stepping I want to make this clear I will not mix business ever and you showing up to my home will not be tolerated I will be in touch maybe we need to talk about relocating you to another restaurant" I told him sternly

" Octavia I'm—"

" Caleb go home please now"

" yes Mrs.Madden" he bowed leaving i closed the door shaking my head what the fuck.

" you need to be in bed love it's past bedtime and you have ballet practice tomorrow" i tol

" I don't want to go to bed!" She yelled

Here we go

" you want some food?" I asked knowingly she already ate dinner but I would give her a little more

" yes!" I picked her up took her in the kitchen the food was still out I made steak pasta I gave Serenity some from the pot and just after a few bites she was ready to go night night.

I took the sleeping child in her room and tucked her in I kissed her head gently I turned on her night light before leaving out cracking her door so I could hear.

I went back downstairs putting the food up he can fix his own plate I made me a martini and looked outside my window god New York was beautiful.

I think I needed another sue chief I don't like business and pleasure  never have my phone started ringing I picked it up seeing my best friend call.

" hello"

" ew what the fuck bitch but look date tomorrow you ready?" She asked I laughed at that cause I forgot all about it

" hell no and I trust you I didn't even set this up you did"

" I got you girl plus this one went to Harvard as well he was a year ahead"

"Ouu a older one" i said

" yes Breanda is the best I know now wear something sexy okay I gotta go love you boo" she hung up

She was crazy but I loved her I waited an hour for him but he didn't come in I took my ass to bed.

Fuck him

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