Minji, despite the lingering questions about the mysterious girl and her connection to Haerin, couldn't help but be grateful for these moments of lightheartedness. It was a respite from the weight of her thoughts and the enigmatic world she had been thrust into.

As they savored their breakfast, the cafeteria buzzed with the energy of students fueling up for the day ahead. The usual hum of conversation and clatter of trays filled the air, creating a comforting backdrop to their morning meal.

Despite the intrigue surrounding the new girl, for now, the friends were content in their own world, sharing jokes and stories as they prepared for another day at the school that held both the ordinary and the extraordinary within its walls. They knew that their bond would remain unbreakable, a steadfast source of support as they navigated the mysteries that awaited them beyond the cafeteria's walls.

First period of the day was Physical Education, a class that Haerin suspected nobody truly enjoyed. She moved through the changing rooms mindlessly, the school's uniform designed for summer weather, and as such, it wasn't modest. Haerin was among the first students to step out onto the field, the familiar scent of fresh grass and the brisk morning air filling her senses.

Eventually, all the students assembled for the class, and Haerin blended in as best she could. Athleticism wasn't exactly her forte; she hadn't run or participated in sports for about two years. However, her vampiric constitution granted her the stamina and agility to get through the class without much trouble.

Today's activity was soccer, and Haerin found herself unexpectedly chosen as the leader of her team. Aubrey, a girl from the group she had reluctantly distanced herself from, handpicked a random assortment of girls for the opposing team. Haerin noticed the way Aubrey looked at her, a subtle expression of betrayal in her eyes. "Teenagers these days," she thought with a wry smile.

The two teams huddled together, moments away from facing off. Fleur, a girl on Haerin's team, took charge. "Okay, I will defend the goal as best as I can while Haerin strikes," she ordered confidently. Haerin allowed them to control the game initially, not having played soccer in years and wanting to familiarize herself with the dynamics before fully diving in.

The girls put their hands in, and eventually, a few boys joined in, albeit more hesitantly. "Everyone," Fleur proclaimed with a boyish grin, "I grew up playing football and have no qualms about cheating."

Haerin couldn't help but smirk, acknowledging that Fleur wasn't exaggerating about her skills. The whistle signaled the start of the game, and Coach led them through the initial plays. It started with clumsy footwork, but gradually, the students began to find their rhythm.

Aubrey proved to be quick, and Haerin conceded that much to her. She watched as Aubrey dashed with the ball, but Haerin, ever vigilant, positioned herself before the bossy girl. The pass was easily intercepted, as Haerin had anticipated Aubrey's predictable move. It was clear that Aubrey was content playing the role of an underdog.

Haerin swiftly changed direction, maintaining a reasonable pace, and quickly reached the midfield with Rachel, one of her teammates, urging her to pass the ball. With speed and precision, Haerin zigzagged around the first line of defenders, determined to make her mark on the game.

Meanwhile, a blond teammate had possession of the ball but was in trouble, with two defenders charging at her. Haerin, sensing an opportunity, sprinted ahead and called out, "Pass it to me!" She met the girl's gaze reassuringly, and she obeyed, delivering a precise pass.

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