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Aadvika , a seventeen year old girl comes from a wealthy family she has parents but they don't take care of her because they are workaholic persons even she doesn't care cause she used to it .now she studying in the school in last year about her she is really a innocent girl, jovial person, sensitive, funny,smart and a overthinker too .she only loves only one person in her life that is her best friend aarika .aarika is everything to her .she isn't only a friend but a sister, a mom and best friend.same goes to aarika she also love her and when she is bullied for being a chubby girl aarika would always stand for aadvika

Aarika is also a seventeen year old girl she has her father only cause her mom died two years ago because of cancer after that she was really depressed even her father became a alcoholic person and he started to abuse her more often even though she has so many problems she is only happy that is because of aadvika.aarika is a smart and bold girl.aarika and aadvika are more like sisters

(On a day)
Aadvika was getting ready for her friend's birthday party. She already informed it to her parents about going to the party and she got ready went near to the car and called the driver.the car straightly went to aarika house she saw that aarika wasn't outside waiting for her so for sometimes she waited after waiting for some minutes aarika came. aadvika was going to ask her why she was late but she knows that it's because of her father even knowing her situation aadvika called her to that party because she wanted her to spent sometime outside too.later getting into the party they spend lot of times with their friends having so much fun and after being there for hours they both left the place .

When there were going in the bridge route suddenly the car started to go fast so aadvika told that,

Aadvika: anna ( brother)go slow

Driver: hmm, yeah ma

Even though he said that he will go slow but actually he couldn't able to control the car

Aadvika: anna i told you to go slow

That driver didn't said the truth he tried so many ways but he couldn't so he said

Driver:ma the car is going fast it is not in my control

Aadvika: what are you saying anna , then press the break button

Driver: i pressed it but it's not working too

Aarika: what are you saying??

Aadvika: i think we are going to die now

Aarika: what

Aadvika: see over there

Aadvika told her to see the road because a truck was coming fast towards there side . The car driver was panicked seeing the truck so he slightly turned to the left side but the car went fast and dashed, it fell down on the river which was going under the bridge. That river was deep so the car went inside and aarika went unconsciousness fully but not aadvika so aadvika called her but she didn't open her eyes .slowly for aadvika also everything went blank to her but she wanted to say a one name before dying so she said " krishna" she have a hope that he would help her.

(In dwarka )
Krishna was sitting and was having a conversation with subhadra but suddenly his eyes started to get wet so subhadra asked the reason

Krishna: my eyes started to get wet because someone is calling me to help them

Subhadra: who are they Bhrata?

Krishna: it's...... it's our sisters

Subhadra: what happened to them ,are they aren't fine

Krishna didn't said anything

Krishna: i think it's the time to bring our sisters here

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