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In another life, perhaps I would've wept for days.

I might have crumbled.

I might have shattered.

But instead, I turned to stone. The cold, hard kind that doesn't give, doesn't bend.

A stoic statue.

I cared for nothing, barely even for myself.

I was impervious to pain, to heartache, to the pathetic pleas of reconciliation he dared to send my way.

At twenty-eight, I was on the cusp of my prime, so why should I waste it mourning? Why should I tether myself to his chaos when I could bask in the glorious uncertainty of my own path?

And so, I found new ways to pass the time. New ways to forget, to erase the memory of his love. Pleasure was my drug of choice, my refuge in the storm. I didn't need a bottle or a needle; all I needed was the thrill of the chase, the promise of temporary oblivion.

And I fucking loved it.

"You like that?"

Her voice was a teasing lilt, the twinkle in her eyes playful yet inviting. A cloud of weed smoke hung heavy above us, adding to the intoxicating atmosphere. The thumping R&B music reverberated through the walls, creating a pulsating, smooth bassline that set the rhythm of the room.


The lighting swathed the space in a deep blue glow, illuminating over the scene before me. I was sprawled out on the bed, my back propped up against the plush pillows, my gaze riveted on the couple tangled in the throes of passion.

Her partner's moans were a sultry symphony, a harmonious accompaniment to the erotic tableau unfolding before my eyes. She was behind her partner, the strap-on she wore gliding in and out with a fluid grace that was almost hypnotic.

I took a deep drag from the joint in my hand, the acrid smoke searing my throat and filling my lungs. The high hit me instantaneously, a warm wave of relaxation that washed over me, numbing my senses and dulling the sharp edges of my reality.

"Harder...," The command was delivered in a breathless whisper, instantly obeyed with a firm grip on her hips and a powerful thrust that drew a gasp of pleasure.

"Like that, baby?" The question was asked with a teasing lilt, a challenge in the sultry tone.

"Just like that...don't...stop..."

The woman's head was pulled back sharply, a firm hand gripping her hair tightly. She whispered something in the woman's ear, the words too quiet for me to make out. Whatever they were, the effect was immediate, her partner shuddering, a moan escaping her parted lips.

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