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There was a tense silence, the only sound filling the room was his harsh breathing as he stared down Ginuwine, a menacing stare that spoke volumes

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

There was a tense silence, the only sound filling the room was his harsh breathing as he stared down Ginuwine, a menacing stare that spoke volumes. He stumbled into the living room. The smell of gin and weed, strong and bitter, arrived before he did. He moved like a ship unmoored, teetering from side to side, each step a battle against gravity.

My eyes darted back and forth between them, my head spinning as I tried to assess the situation.


"This what the fuck you was doin' all day?! Fuckin' other niggas?!" he accused, his voice full of vitriol as he turned towards me, his face twisted with anger.

"You need to calm down," Ginuwine said, taking a few steps in front of me. He was holding Dame's gaze, his hand up, palm out, in a calming gesture. "There's no need to get heated."

Dame stepped towards him, the fire in his eyes blazing brighter. "Man...fuck you and that fuck ass perm on your head. And don't you tell me...how to fuckin' get down. I'll lay your ass out."

I couldn't believe what was happening. All day long I had been longing for this reunion with Dame, craving it even, and now he was...he was...

"Dame, stop! That's enough! You need to leave, now."

My words seemed to take him aback, his eyes widening slightly at the command. He charged towards me.


Before he could finish his sentence, he was down on the ground, Ginuwine's fist connecting with his jaw. A loud crack reverberated in my ears, my mouth agape at the spectacle before me.

I stood there, in shock as I watched Ginuwine beat the living shit out of Dame, each blow making a sickening thud as it landed. It felt as though time was moving in slow motion as I watched, paralyzed.

"Get the fuck up, nigga!" Ginuwine yelled, landing another punch square in his jaw.

My thoughts raced in the span of a heartbeat, a mixture of panic and confusion swirling through my mind. The scene unfolding in front of me was both unreal and surreal, my mind struggling to process what was happening.

But I couldn't stand around and do nothing.

"Stop!" I finally found my voice, running towards the two of them as they grappled with each other. I kneeled between them, facing Ginuwine, my hands on his chest. "Please stop!"

A tangible heat that seemed to seep through his skin. His eyes were a raging fire as they burned into mine, his breathing labored.

I turned to face Dame, who was coughing up blood from his mouth. His eyes blazed with deep anger and resentment, a hateful look that sent a wave of panic through my body.

He had never looked at me like that before.

I turned back to Ginuwine, my eyes pleading as I gazed into his, my heart breaking at the rage that reflected there. "Gin...it's ok. I've got this."

session 222 || aaliyah [ON HOLD]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن