N U M B E R - T W E N T Y E I G H T

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" Dabs, even though your dad didn't.. accept us, I will always be with you. We will overcome this together, " Keigo murmured, embracing Touya tightly from behind as they finished washing the last of the dishes in the dishwasher.

Touya sternly nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Keigo's love and unwavering support filled his heart with warmth.

" I promise I'll make a medicine to cure you, " Touya whispered softly, his determination shining through his eyes. "No matter what it takes, I won't give up until I find a way to heal you." 

Keigo pressed a gentle kiss to the back of Touya's head, his voice filled with gratitude, " Thank you, Dabs. Your love and dedication mean the world to me. "

And he did, thought all those steps he's done to find a way for money, anything he would able to get help and cure his sick boyfriend by doing shady and dangerous jobs. Keigo was willing to do whatever it takes, even if it meant putting himself in harm's way. As Touya considered the dangerous paths ahead, he couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility that weighed heavily on his shoulders. The thought of Keigo's gratitude was a small light in the darkness, giving him the strength to continue on.

It wasn't enough and he needed more.

" We out of jobs for you, man.. " The older man replied with a hint of annoyance and gave a glare on Touya

" I see, I'll find something else then thanks.. " Touya said quickly, trying to hide the sting of rejection. His determination to provide for Keigo burned brighter than ever as he turned away, ready to seek out new opportunities.

One after the another, no luck to get a temporary job to get a quick cash. Even though his younger brother Shouto and his wife Yaoyorozu had arranged an internship for him at the hospital, Touya was determined to take on any job necessary to help cover Keigo's medical expenses for his incurable illness. But with each rejection, his frustration grew, trying to calm himself before the mounting pressure inside him exploded. With a heavy sigh, Touya pushed through the crowded street, the weight of responsibility bearing down on his shoulders. He couldn't afford to give up, not when Keigo's life depended on it.

" Please! I'm begging of you sir, I can take any job, I could them all and need the money- " his voice cracked as he pleaded with the potential employers, desperation creeping into his tone. The reality of the situation settled heavily on his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

" Find someplace else! " A manager angrily shouted at him and kicked him out of the building, then slammed the door shut before the distressed elder Todoroki could force his way back in and plead his case.

As the door slammed shut, Touya felt a mix of anger and defeat well up inside him. He inhaled deeply, showing his determination not to be discouraged by this obstacle as he sought a solution to his lover's predicament. With a steely resolve, he straightened his back and walked away, his mind already racing to come up with a new plan.

" I'm home, babe.. " Touya shouts as he's kicking off his shoes.

He returned to the apartment with a wallet-friendly fast food meal, aiming to bring a comforting sense of familiarity to their evening together. Opening the door, it was too quiet and he was greeted by an empty, dimly lit room. He puts down the food at the table and began to check the rooms on where his boyfriend would be. With each room he searched, his worry grew. His mind began to race with thoughts of where his boyfriend could be, hoping for a simple explanation for his absence. Last area was the bedroom, and as he pushed the door open, he found his boyfriend lying on the bed, fast asleep. A flood of relief washed over him as he realized that his boyfriend was safe and sound.

Infamous Child (Izuocha Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin