N U M B E R - E I G H T E E N

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" Deku-kun, I prepared some leftover mochis for you to eat at work.. They tasted so good and I don't want to finish them all without you eating them too! " Ochako was in the kitchen holding a prepared bento for him to take before going back to the studio, " It seems that Manami prepared a lot of food for us to make together for the whole month.. " 

" Mhm.. " The greenette hummed as he looked at himself in the mirror checking any flaw around his style right now.

" I also made some omelette with rice in your bento. Hopefully, you get to eat them all.. " Ochako looked at Midoriya as he fixed his hair and looked back at her with a monotone answer.

" Thank you for preparing, I'll be going now, and take care of yourself.. " He said with a smile and leave a kiss on her head, leaving the apartment.

Ever since they got back home, the couple never recover after what happened back in the mansion. It left a negative impact on their routine as Ochako watches her boyfriend not in his usual self. It made her sad and disappointed wanting to cheer him up as best as she could, but the fake smiles and hiding his worries from all the good mood he gave each time they talked. She could see the pretend act he was giving her.

The young Uraraka was still in touch with the people in the mansion, she got some news from Manami on the phone that her mother and father argued every time they see each other. Even worse than before as her father began to physically hurt her mother one time. Luckily some of the servants pulled their master away to make sure no harm happened to their beloved mistress, Ochako couldn't believe that her mother still stayed after what he has done. Their relationship has grown distant and they no longer hold a conversation normally, Manami also tells Ochako that Master Gou doesn't come home regularly as he used to and Danjuro accompanied him for a drink every night.

She was all alone, feeling down and scared for the relationship between Deku and her. The brunette then called one of her best friends to hang out at Midoriya's place.

" I hope I didn't trouble you to come after work.. You must be tired after dealing with a lot of animal surgery these past few hours.. " Ochako talked on the phone as a giggle was heard on the other side.

" You never disturb me one bit, Ochako-chan. "  Tsuyu replied with a smile and the poor Uraraka let out a heavy sigh.

" I'm worried for Deku-kun for the past few days and he isn't the usual self ever since we came back home, I tried to cheer him up or lessen his worry by making him food every day but when he comes back home the bento I gave is half finished- " Ochako tears up as she explained everything to her best friend.

" Ochako-chan, you know how Midoriya-kun is.. He was just sad that he couldn't make your father agree to your relationship, you've told me this story three times and even Mina is fed up with your depressed mood.. "  Tusyu said from the other phone as Ochako sniffed from all her crying.

" A-Are you tired of listening to me, Tsuyu-san..? " She asked as her pregnant hormones started kicking in making Asui sigh.

" Just rest there and I'll be coming there for a few hours, okay? "  She said making the brunette nod.

" C-Can you also bring Katsudon on the way..? " Ochako asked with a frown knowing she had asked too much favor to Tsuyu.

" I will, Ochako-chan.. "  Then hung up as Uraraka is now alone once more in this empty apartment.  

She tried to keep herself busy around but not to exert herself with more movements, it might even cause more problems to Deku that she didn't want to worry or make trouble to herself for his sake. Everything she did to distract herself, watching the given videos about the newborn's needs, doing yoga from the living room, and reading some books that Momo told her to check out, but the overwhelming uneasiness just keeps piling up. 

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