N U M B E R - T W E N T Y O N E

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" Okay, extras.. " Bakugou began to speak up as the boys were all present inside his apartment, " You all are invited to the premiere this coming week and I want each of your ugly faces to be there.. "

" This is the closest we could get that Bakugou cares for us.. " Kaminari replied as he received a smack from the blond actor.

" Try that for suggesting another comment from you, Pikachu.. " Bakugou growled as the green-haired actor sighed.

" Kacchan, you know that everyone will be there for the premiere.. " He pointed out as Bakugou looked at him, "If you have another thing to say just spill it out.. "

Bakugou then let out a sigh and began rubbing his forehead, " I n-need help... It's kinda important to me and I don't wanna mess things up.. "

" What help did ya need, Bakubro? " Kirishima then looked at him with concern as the boys were a bit nervous about what he was going to say next.

" I wanna make the best surprise for Cams.. " Bakugou then showed a miniature black box with a cute red ribbon on the front, " I'm proposing to her and I'm not backing out with this.. "

The boys started to congratulate him as they never expected him of all people to talk about this kind of topic, even his best friend Kirishima was tearing up seeing him getting married so soon. The greenette chuckled from afar as he watched his friends surrounded by his childhood friend annoyed by their actions. He then unconsciously took the glass from the table and filled it with red wine, trying to calm himself regarding the fact the series was going to be out soon.

" Relax.. Just calm yourself.. " He thought to himself and looked from the window with the moonlight glimmering in the sky.

It took hours for the boys to get drunk and have their early celebration for both surprising events and the upcoming events. Deku was all flustered while playfully holding the empty glass and started mumbling on his own, his deep thoughts drowned him imagining his whole career going in place.

It scared him, especially when Ochako would be part of its toxicity.

" Uraraka-san.. " He whispered as his drunken state began to hallucinate.

" Never thought of Midoriya-kun to be this drunk.. " Iida pointed out as the boys caught the attention of the wasted actor.

" Tch.. Maybe that nerd still not accepting cheeks to be part of showbiz.. " Bakugou responded as he began to rumble his hair with frustration, " I can't with his demanding shit already.. "

" I mean Ochako-san would be in a tight spot regarding the sudden invite to the canonicity with the 'One For All' Series.. " Todoroki added as a loud whine came out from the greenette's mouth.

" Yeah, totally he's in dad mode.. " Kirishima whispered as they flinched hearing a stomp from the poor actor sulking getting away from the room with the uncomfortable feeling.

" I'll deal with Deku.. " The blonde actor stood up and rubbed the back of his neck grumbling to deal with his friend all sad.

Not on his special day coming up to be ruined by that broccoli.

Katsuki then goes out to the balcony and sees the greenette all alone about to sober up with the bottled wine he finished a while ago, " Tch.. "

" Hey, nerd.. " Bakugou said with an aggressive tone with his hands in his pockets.

" You should go back inside, Kacchan.. " Deku whispered as the cold got to the two of them already, " I don't want to ruin any mood inside so I'll be staying here for a while.. "

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