N U M B E R - N I N E T E E N

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" M-Melissa.. " Ochako called out her name while she looked at her with a surprised face.

" Ochako..! " The two girls looked at each other as Melissa saw the young brunette with her big belly.

" Do you know her, young niece? " Toshinori asked with his deep voice looking again at the brunette with a smile.

" U-Um.. " Ochako began to look away in shame and stands up on her own.

" Ochako-chan, we should go back to the boys for safety.. " Tsuyu approached and looked at her best friend knowing that it would be more uncomfortable for her to stay here longer.

" Sorry for the trouble, s-sir.. " Uraraka tried to look at Deku's idol, seeing him again in person already made her quiver in anxiety.

" Oh? " All Might then looked closely at the pregnant brunette which clearly he has somehow met before, " You look rather familiar.. " 

" WHERE'S THAT DEGENERATE BASTARD I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! " A pissed greenette shouted from far away making everyone feel uneasy hearing his voice.

" Thank Kami Torubabe ran for help.. " Camie whispered to one of the girls breaking the uncomfortable atmosphere as Deku was looking dead serious about finding the man who touched his Ochako. 

" Young Midoriya! " All Might smiled and waved at his student which caught him off guard to see him.

" Mr. All Might..?! " He exclaimed widening his eyes to see his mentor, " What are you doing here? " 

" Well, I saved this young lady from sexual assault and harm.. and I am personally invited by Young Melissa to evaluate this place too. " Toshinori watches Midoriya walking in their direction and looked at the brunette with concern.

" Are you okay? " He frowned feeling upset and angry as Uraraka smiled.

" I'm fine, don't worry about me.. " She replied with a hint of blush on her cheeks.

" Oh good.. that's good.. " Midoriya whispered as he never felt so agitated looking at his surrounding, " Now tell me who fucking touched you.. "  

" Deku I told you I'm fine don't worry so much.. " Ochako sighed and began to hold his hand, " Sir. Toshinori took care of it and well.. " 

" I make sure that he won't harm her, Midoriya.. " Yagi smiled reassuring the situation at hand.

But the greenette's eyes were still in rage seeing the man unconscious, he didn't hesitate to attack him and punch him again causing the pervert to wake up.

" You motherfucker touching my woman..! " Deku growled as All Might pulled him away not causing any more ruckus toward the trembling man.

Luckily the police came and took care of it professionally. As for the greenette, they didn't charge him regarding the violence he had. Deku and Ochako were together and he has become even more protective than his usual antics which made the pregnant Uraraka irritated with his overprotectiveness instinct. Meanwhile, All Might and Melissa smiled seeing Midoriya actually happy and enjoying his free time unlike before.

" I'm so glad you're doing okay, Izu-kun.. " Melissa smiles at the couple then covers her mouth while giggling, " I didn't expect you to be here as well, we actually testing this hotel and evaluate the given services to our business.. "

" Wait wait wait, you own this place? " Jirou asked as the girls joined with curious faces.

" Yes Jirou-san.. I was actually relieved that you got the VIP gift we sent you after I worked on the song with you.. " Melissa responded as they were award and nodded with understanding.

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