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HII! A small note pls! We just got our first ever fanart! Tysm for this! This lovely masterpiece was created by @Aris so a round of applause please!! Tysm for this wonderful gift, it's absolutely breathtaking! I absolutely adore the hand, cause that's a beauty. Also, I love that she's crying because ik damn well that I make [Name] cry a lot. Everything about this is gorgeous!! Tysm once again! That is all, let's start the chapter!


True to their explanation, you all were boarded on a bus and were currently being taken to the exam site, as told by Aizawa. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves, but it really didn't do much to help. Your knee was shaking constantly and your stomach was doing somersaults.

You felt like you had eaten something that had gone bad with how much your stomach hurted. But you knew better than anyone that it was just the anxiety.

As you continued to try to calm your nerves, you didn't notice the person at your side looking at you in worry, "[Last Name]-kun?" Iida's voice was like a slap back to reality, making you snap your head in his direction.

You drawed in a shaky breath as your eyes gave away your absolute fear. And Iida felt awful to see you like this. He pondered over what he could do to help ease your anxiety, but nothing really came to his mind. He tried to remember how his brother comforted him when he found out about the Stain Incident, but he wondered if that kind of comforting would work on you.

With shaky arms of his own, the bluenette raised his hand and placed it on top of your head, mindful of the goggles that rested a top your hair. With rigid movements, your class president began to run his hand up and down, smoothing down your hair in a comforting manner. He tried his hardest not to look at your wide eyes, opened in utter surprise at his actions as he found his face getting hotter with each passing second, "Do not worry, [Last Name]-kun... I'm sure you'll do phenomenal. I... I know that my words might not mean a lot to you but-" he gave you a rare, yet gentle smile as he continued.

"-I truly believe in you. I believe your tact and wits are not something to be underestimated, even if you seem to struggle seeing it for yourself. So, how about we face this challenge head on? Plus Ultra!" You were still busy gaping at how Iida, the usually stoic and uptight class president was comforting you but you don't deny that it felt... consoling.

"Right... Thank you, Iida-kun." He returned your small smile with a close eyed smile of his own, and not a few minutes later did the bus stop. You all decided to take a deep breath and get off. All of you made your respective pairs, with Shoji giving you a respectful nod and Hagakure hugging your arm happily.

As Snipe led you all away, you turned around to see Momo looking at you, as if she wanted to be with you. She watched as you walked away with Shoji and Hagakure, all while giving her worried glances. If Todoroki noticed it, he didn't mention it and she was glad. She wasn't the most comfortable, being with such a competent guy.

While yes, you were also heaps more amazing than she could ever be, she still felt at ease with you. She had really, really hoped that she would have been paired with you, but looks like her luck didn't work this time.

All Momo hoped was that she wouldn't hold Todoroki back.

Meanwhile, Snipe continued to explain the rules of the exercise to you three as you all walked. He explained that you must either handcuff him or one of you three must escape the battlefield. The two optional win conditions must be accomplished within 30 minutes. By accomplishing one of the win conditions, you guys will win and pass the test exercise.

Alright... Thirty minutes, and the objective is to either slap those cuffs on Snipe or get the fuck out of the area... Seems simple enough. Especially if you add the fact that the teachers will be wearing high weight compressions. And there's also three of you, surely if two of you can just hold him off until one of you, most probably Hagakure, runs out then it's a win.

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