~ 9 ~ Encounter with A Stranger from the Past

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If it was any other woman cried in front of Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook would have just thought that a speck of mere dust irritated her eyes, or that this was a performance to make him lower his guard, or even more likely an act to seem lovely and pitiful to entice him...... But today, this pretty woman in front of him had a connection to him and seemed to be crying due to his words.

Involuntarily, Jeon Jungkook felt a burst of guilt in his heart, although he felt that his words weren't wrong, but to a girl who had retained her chastity for over 20 years, this truly was somewhat cruel.

"Alright, don't cry......I'll apologize to you, won't that do?" Jeon Jungkook felt fidgety and touched his shirt's pocket, but when he touched it was empty, only then did he remember he hadn't bought his handkerchief today.

Min Eun Yeong's teary beautiful face could attract unlimited sympathy, but this girl is also a stubborn person, after crying out two lines of tears, she took out a tissue and wiped them away, then forcefully endured. With a pair of red eyes, she stared at Jeon Jungkook and said, "I'm going to ask you one more time, are you going to marry me?"

"I say, Miss Min, in this day and age why is there still the matter of a pretty lady insisting on a man to be her husband? I spoke very clearly, I will not assist you in playing this type of boring game for 3 years." Jeon Jungkook sighed and stood up, intending to leave.

This time Eun Yeong did not say anything more, only a trace of misery appeared in her eyes. With a numb expression, she stood up, and directly walked towards the balcony of the coffee shop's 2nd floor.

The coffee shop's balcony was quite spacious, with several large umbrellas to shield from the sun on top of the refined tables, on the balcony various kinds of bonsai plants were placed, giving a fresh and clean feeling.

Jeon Jungkook saw this scene, and his pupils shrunk, he sucked in a cool breath and said, "Miss Min, it can't possibly be that just because I'm not willing to marry you, you are going to the balcony to jump down from it, right?

As if Min Eun Yeong didn't hear a thing, without uttering a word she continued walking to the balcony. Just like this, she slowly got to the edge of the balcony, casually pulled a chair over, stepped on it, and got closer to the guard rail.

This time Jeon Jungkook was worried, this girl can't possibly have such a fierce temper, right? She had to know that if she jumped off the balcony, and fell onto the hard stone surface, even if she doesn't die she will be crippled......

However, Min Eun Yeong's actions immediately let Jeon Jungkook know, how terrifying her determination was......

Apathetically, Min Eun Yeong turned her head back to take a look at Jungkook, her eyes brimmed with resolve, hate, pain, and sadness, as if her entire soul was terribly tormented from staying in that absolutely beautiful body, and wanted to attempt to break free from it......

The 2 pairs of eyes interlocked. Jungkook felt his heart twitch, he was too familiar with this expression, this expression was also too similar to the image deep in his mind, which he had no way of erasing. It was that image, which made him break free from the bloody shackles of fake love he was held back by for more than 10 years, and made him reincarnate......

But today, from Min Eun Yeong's eyes, Jeon Jungkook once again recalled too many things that he had tried to forget yet failed to forget. At this moment, Jeon Jungkook was lost.

Min Eun Yeong looked at Jeon Jungkook standing there dumbstruck. She didn't want to show the suffering in her heart...... Even if she jumped off, that man would remain unconcerned. Once again thinking of the pain of losing her virginity to him, and the pressure and disputes in her personal life, work life, and home, Eun Yeong felt that she was truly about to crumble...... What meaning is there in continuing this life? Death can end all of my troubles......

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