30. I Agree With This Line Of Questioning. I'm Intrigued

Start from the beginning

The anger in my voice encompassed every irritation Pierre had brought on. Including calling during my time alone with Derek.

"I actually need absolutely nothing from you now. You're free. Go do free single people shit, and stop harassing me."

The call didn't last much longer after that.

And that was a good thing too, because I managed to get through more of the series Derek had written about me.

Okay, alright, technically it wasn't about me, but seeing the way Derek drew me as a character made my heart do a thing. A real dangerous thing.

I could barely believe my eyes when I was looking through his collection and my fingers panned over to a series with no cover, just a number scribbled on the front. When I peaked inside,  my body stilled. I recognized that shade of light green eyes anywhere, I had stared at them in a mirror for almost three decades now.

That was when I moved to the couch, deciding to actually read this one page by page. I noticed the date on the bottom right of the inside cover was right after Hawaii, which honestly made my mind spiral.

The thought of Derek still thinking about me, even after the trip.

I mean sure, he thought I had a face for a character, but still. The way he wrote me in this story as a charming detective with addicting looks and an even more addictive personality...

Say what you will, but I was rolling with this being about me.

I thought about Derek's adorable reaction once he recognized what I was reading. How he tried his best to grab it out of my hand... and what that led to...

I had tried all fucking day not to think too much about that part, especially when I was supposed to be working, but I couldn't help it.

The way he had said that. 'I liked that too.'

My hands had already wreaked havoc on whatever hairstyle I was going for today, but that didn't stop stop them for putting in extra credit now. At least I was in the comfort of my own home.

I had froze up when he said that. I didn't know how to react. Or rather, I had two very different reactions playing at the forefront of my mind.

One was probably my initial reaction. The reaction the devil on my shoulder was in charge of: temptation. That line turned me on so much, it slightly terrified me. Especially after I had already cum as hard as I did from just his touch.

The thought that Derek actually liked a bit of the roughness was just- it was too much. It was too much... and that was when the angel on my other shoulder lent me her two cents.

She had me thinking about how quickly I was pushing things. How impatient I was being. Hell, Derek hadn't even had sex with a guy before, and there I was on that couch, thinking about restraints, and ropes and- and discipline.

Yeah it was then that I decided I should probably get home. I honestly didn't trust myself, or trust how slow I was willing to take it. Derek was my blind spot.


The call with Don didn't go much better.

I was going to tell him about Derek right away, but he immediately jumped in with Pierre slander, and I didn't feel like getting Don more worked up.

That, and the fact that Pierre slander will always be tolerated around these parts. So I let Don get everything he needed to off his chest. We shared the same resentment for that guy.

By the time we got off the topic of restraining orders, I couldn't figure out how to segue that to Derek. So I didn't.

But there was someone else I needed to call in regards to Derek, and I gave them a ring as soon as Don and I got off the phone.

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