Chapter 32

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The sense of loss that Luo Xiangbei had just felt disappeared when he heard Su Yinan say the next sentence.

"A date with you."

Luo Xiangbei felt that he was really a bit worthless, because Su Yinan started to giggle at one word.

However, he immediately gave up the struggle. If there is no progress, there will be no progress. Anyway, he is happy.

He woke up and asked: "Then how do you plan to date me?"

"Whatever you want to do, I'll accompany you."

"Can I do anything?" Luo Xiangbei asked deliberately.

I don't know what Su Yinan was thinking of, but she paused for a while before replying, "Yeah."

Luo Xiangbei felt that this person was really too obedient and easy to talk to.

But where exactly should you go on a date?

As his eyes fell on his desk, Luo Xiangbei's mind started to heat up and he suddenly said, "How about you come to my house to play?"

After speaking, Luo Xiangbei was stunned for a moment, but he was afraid that Su Yinan would find it too abrupt, so he continued: "I have a PS4 game console at home, and we can play games together."

"Okay." Su Yinan agreed without hesitation.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xiangbei finally realized that he had actually invited Su Yinan to his house to play!

Although she almost brought Su Yinan home last time when she was drunk, the situation at that time was special.

Now, wouldn't it be a bit too sudden to invite your boyfriend to your home directly?

However, he was really looking forward to it in his heart.

Luo Xiangbei sat in front of the desk and dilly-dallyed happily and tangledly for a while, when he saw that 10 minutes had passed.

Oops! It seems that my dirty clothes have not been put away, the quilt in the room has not been folded, the books I have read have not been sorted, and the floor seems to need to be mopped...

Luo Xiangbei immediately jumped up from his chair and ran to clean up the house in a panic.

After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Xiangbei went to the door of his community to pick up Su Yinan.

Beside the street, Su Yinan wore a long casual coat and stood lazily leaning against the plane tree. Her slender figure was very eye-catching.

"Let's go to the supermarket to buy some food first? I'll cook dinner tonight." Luo Xiangbei moved closer to him, blocking other people's eyes from spying on his boyfriend, without any awareness that he was also the target of others' prying eyes.

"Yes." The hair on Su Yinan's forehead was blown by the breeze. As the hair swayed, Luo Xiangbei seemed to see a subtle trace of fatigue on his face.

"You look a little tired?" Luo Xiangbei stared at Su Yinan's face. It was no different from usual, but he just felt that Su Yinan seemed uncomfortable.

"No." Su Yinan straightened up and stood to the left of Luo Xiangbei, "Let's go, you lead the way."

Luo Xiangbei felt that Su Yinan seemed to be changing the subject, but he did not see anything unusual, so he nodded: "Then let's go."

On the way, Luo Xiangbei looked at Su Yinan next to him from time to time, and saw him putting his hand in his pocket. Luo Xiangbei thought that Su Yinan should not be able to touch it now.

My boyfriend has super powers ! ?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon