[Ep 15: All that's Gold, does not Glitter] Part 3

Start from the beginning

A ding flashed from Mephone's screen. "The results are in. The contestant to re-join inanimate insanity invitational is....".

Fear gripped the four. Bot shook slightly in anticipation. Beads of sweat ran down Life Ring's face. Goo melted feverously, his skin slightly paled. Blue Berry sat on the dead, dull, grey grass as he watched the result load.


Balloon sat in the calm down Cabana, frustrated and empty. His plate was empty yet he didn't feel full whatsoever. The emptiness that gripped him seemed to be at his very core, like before. Before the show. Before in the hotel.

But this emptiness, this feeling of despair and disdain was new. He'd caused his greatest ally to leave. He'd destroyed any chance of them getting into the final 3. He'd done it. Him. He called for the tie breaker. He stuck with this new alliance without thinking about what he wanted to do.

"Cake." he said weakly as hundreds of thoughts rushed through his head, Another slice of light, fluffy cake appeared on the plate as he used his fork to swallow the sweet and simple treat. Yet it didn't feel any good. He mumbled "cake" again and roughed through another slice. And again. And again. And....

"Woah Aren't you worried about giving yourself a heart attack?".

He didn't need to turn to know who it was. The sarcasm and snarky tone of the voice was recognizable from a mile away. He groaned as he heard the silver dimed companion of his sit next  him at the pic nix table. "What do you want?" he grumbled, 

"Soup" Nickel said as a bowl of creamy tomato soup appeared in front of him with a straw. "And to talk.".

"What could there be to talk about?" Balloon spat, still distrustful of the shining cynical cylinder who sat next to him.

"Hey. You don't need to act so rude about it." he replied, slurping the Creamy, Sweet, Orange liquid. "Their elimination was just as much my fault as it was yours.".

Balloon chuckled slightly. Nickel taking blame for something? That wasn't something he'd heard of. 

"I mean it. And it was...."he said, slightly retching as the next words came out of mouth. "MOSTLY my fault.".

They sat in silence, neither unable to say much.

"I'm sorry Balloon. I'm sorry I treated you different and I continue to be sorry for how I treated you. Both last time and this time." Nickel spouted, still not looking at his freind. The cabana felt eerie with this much silence between them. "And as a token to us fixing what I broke, I was hoping we could talk about the vote tonight.".

Balloon finished his cake as they heard a loud buzz in the distance, calling the contestants over. He put his plate in the makeshift bin, not looking at Nickel. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that now. You've chosen your side this season." he said, coldly yet with a small hint of remorse. "And I've chosen mine.


"Well I'll be!".

"There's no way!!!".

"Who is that?".

"Yang, that is Blue Berry. The first one eliminated this season." Yin said, sighing at his other half's lack of awareness.

In front of them all, Blue Berry stood, a smirk on his face at finally stepping on the island's grass and feeling the heat of the falling sun once more. "You all seem down. And here I thought I was the sad one." he remarked, seeing the fatigue, anxiety, mistrust and confusion painted each face.

"Yes, that's right. Blue Berry has won the SECOND and FINAL re-join challenge!!! And with it, he also gains immunity for tonight's vote!!" Mephone said, handing the glistening immunity cookie to the Dark blue contestant. "Give yourselves a quick think over your votes because there's 6 of you for the vote!" He added, gesturing to the button while walking off.

Balloon watched on as Nickel walked off, both him and Silver being lead by Blue Berry. "So, I guess we know who he's teamed up with." he said to the two beside him.

"Who do you think we vote tonight?" Yin asked, unsure. "Well, obviously THE SPOON MST GO!!!" Yang retorted violently, shaking his hands in anger.

"Yang, we did that last time and it didn't work. Maybe we try-".

"No." Balloon said coldly, looking on bitterly at the 3. "Let's....get rid of the problem.". Cabby placed a hand on his shoulder, seeing his face so cold. "We'll be behind whatever action you feel necessary. Right?" she said, looking the hesitant Yin.

"R...right...." he replied back, a little weakly. 

The distant 'BUZZZ' could be heard as they all say the button rise up into the sky, a flash of red illuminating the cream and pink skies.



"Well, we've had quite the rough day." Mephone said, his bright blue glow illuminating the beach of Paradise under the moonlight shine. "Some of us had quite the morale boost." he said, gesturing over to the golden fruit who sat proud on a log. "Other's still, haven't got many smiles abut them." he continued, his eyes glancing over everyone, from Balloon's cold demeanour and Yin's worried look to Nickel's drooping horse face. "But, for someone here tonight, that won't matter since the votes have been cast. Let's see who'll become the next indefinite.  Will there be any drinkers?" he asked the nervous Yin Yang.

"No. We will...not drink tonight." Yin said, placing the milk down in front of him.

"Ok, so no milk drunk. Any vote for Yin Yang WILL count. I'll read the votes.".

"First vote:

Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon.

Yin Yang.

2 votes Silver Spoon, 1 vote Yin Yang.

Yin Yang.

2 votes Silver Spoon, 2 votes Yin Yang.


Yin Yang mouthed a "Sorry" to his allies with a guilty look in his eyes.

"That's 2 votes Yin Yang, 2 votes Silver Spoon, 1 vote Nickel. One vote left.

And the 15th eliminated contestant is....








Silver Spoon.".

Blue Berry's face dropped in shock. Nickel's mouth was agape. Yin Yang's expression was a mixture of shock and relief. "B...b....I didn't...." he stuttered as Silver sighed and got up.

"No. You didn't. But you helped me realise what this....game was doing to me. Doing to us. Doing to...you..."Silver said as he reached out a hand to Yin. "And because of that I....I want you two to have this." he added, passing the crystal and clanger over.

"I think this is a long time coming. CLOSE DOWN THE CURTAIN MEPHONE!!!!"he yelled as he went flying, leaving behind the baffled black and white sphere astounded, clutching the crystal.

"And with that, we close on possibly one of the most scheming, planning and high class contestants this show's ever seen. But how will the departure of the master manipulator of royalty itself change the game for our remaining 5? Find out next time on

Inanimate Insanity Invitational!!!".

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