23-Welcome Back.🍁

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But how is this possible? How can he still alive? I killed him with my own hands, I destroy his all family and why suga helping him...... a man said in so much anger and breaking all things in the living room.

Seo Joon sir we still searching about this, what's the relationship his with Min Yoongi..... His assassin said he gritted his teeth angrily and hold his hair in frustration.

That middle class teacher dare to mess with me. He killed my wife and my all partners and what about my brother is he alive or not???.... He ask fuming in anger his men gulp in fear.

We didn't know about it sir yet... one man said hesitantly with his head low.

And about his wife now don't tell me he is also alive..... He ask sarcastically they shook their head.

We don't find any data related to his wife sir.... His assassin said he smirk and start laughing like a manic.

How can he alive I buried him alive 6 feet under in this earth didn't I..... Seo said laughing clapping his hand he stop laughing and sat on the sofa with a serious aura.

I will again kill him like I killed him 18 years ago........ Seo said smirking darkly.

Did you guys find his bloody kid.... He asked again they again gulp and shake their head he shook his head.

18 years passed you guys didn't find a kid what I supposed to do with you guys huh.......... He ask angrily they mumble sorry sir we are trying our best.

Trying my foot I want his every single details in 24 hours thats it..... He said and went upstair angrily.

Jeon Jeongukk i've too say you got so much guts to go against me and don't worry this time also I will find your weakness. Your Hidden weakness your Child...

Park Seo Joon 47 years old national and international ganster do so many illegal works like human traffickings, organs trafficked, s-x rackets in his wife's club and do drugs deal he do every illegal things with the help of his partners, business and politician.


Jk abruptly sat on the bed when he heard tae whimpering sound he is whimpering, mumbling and sweating in his sleep he hug him and start mumble sweet word pecking on his forehead time to time to make him calm.

Sometimes later tae sleep peacefully in jk's embrace he admiring his wify nosing his cheeks mumbling my baby

He have to pay for your this situation baby.... Jk mumble closing his eyes and hug tae dearly feeling his heart beat.

Sometimes later he open his eyes and text suga.

'Tell them leave this place as soon as possible.' Jk's Messege.

'Copy that.' Suga's Messege.

He sigh in relief and thought about some more plans he decided to talk tomorrow morning with them.

Next Morning....

Why so sudden is something happen dada...??? Yeon ask furrowing and sat beside his dad Jin packing their bags.

What will be happened baby? Are you not thinking so much? Jin said with a soft smile yeon hold his forehead with his both hand.

Then, why are we going for vacation suddenly like an emergency....... Yeon said squinted his eyes joon chuckled at his baby.

It's just an vacation baby nothing to worry..... Joon said caressing his back softly he gave him in disbelief.

My exams are coming how can you both ask me to take leave on top of that for 2 month is this even possible and you are saying nothing to worry I can't believe it....Yeon said in disbelief

Jin packing his bag silently Namjoon sigh caresses his back softly with a smile.

You should be happy we are going for a vacation........ Joon said calmly he glare at him.

You know dad I alway think you guys are hiding many things from me...... Yeon said sighing heavily.

I ask you so many time still you both never answer my any question why? Yeon ask jin stop packing his bag and look at him with his moist eyes.

Look whatever it is just talk to me, discuss with me, what's troubling you guys? i'm an adult now I try my best to understand you both I promise...... Yeon said desperately with a sigh.

What made you think we are hiding something from you??? Jin mumble packing bag yeon chuckled.

You guys always didn't talk with other not even our neighbors not let me talk with them even you both forbid me to make any friends isn't it so obviously you both hiding something from me... Yeon said furrowing moving his hand in the air namjin sigh sadly.

Yes we are hiding something big from you and I promise we will tell you everything in right time..... Joon said calmly with a soft smile yeon nods his head pouting.

At least i'm feeling happy now, thanks for not making excuse again....... Yeon said with a soft smile joon hug him.

tomorrow submit your leave application and we will leave busan at evening and one more thing don't tell anyone where are we going it's our secret..... Joon said strictly he nods his head.

Not even soobin........ Yeon whisper he nods his head blankly a pout adore on yeon lips.

Let me help you mom.... Yeon said and start helping his mom happily namjin look at each other and they gave nods with a soft smile.


To be continued.....


Take care be safe.... 💜💚

Thank you so much y'all.... ❤️

Get ready for roller coaster ride again.... 🤭🙂💯

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