ch.17:good news

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Did I hear that correctly?

A doctor had came to my room today and told me that they finally found a heart donor that is suitable for me.---Thorn was still at school right now,so he isn't here.

"Really?"I asked in disbelief.

"Yes! We can do the operation soon and you will be cured!"The doctor said happily.

"Isn't that great sweety?"Mom said with a smile on her face.

I should be happy, but why do I feel...strange?

"Yes..."I looked at the doctor. "Who is the donor?"

"The donor wants to remain a secret, so I'm not allowed to tell you."The doctor replied.

"I see.."

"Why so gloomy? You should be more excited, you know!"Dad said and patted my head. "You will be cured soon."

"Yeah, I should.."

Hours passed and Thorn finally came to the hostpital.

He's a bit late today..

"Hi flower."I greeted.

"Hi Sunshine!"He smiled brightly. "Mom and dad told me that you will be cured soon, is that true??"

I guess I was too paranoid.

"Yes,it's true."I replied and smiled weakly.

The doctor told me that the operation would be in two days, he said that the donor wanted to spend their last days to the fullest before they leave the world.

Of course I didn't mind it at all, but I do wish that I could directly thank them though..

"That's great!"Thorn hugged me and I happily returned the hug.

Soon everything will go back to how it used to sickness, no worries, just us...

Hours passed and I spent the whole time, just listening to Thorn telling about his new 'friend' Halilintar.

I'm starting to hate that guy even more...

"He is a really kind person once you get to know him!"Thorn said while smiling brightly.

"It seems like it."I replied even though I have no intention of ever talking with him.

It has been a while since I see his bright smile...I'm glad that I get to see it again.

"Oh, right!"Thorn giggled and took out his phone before he showed me a photo of a little sunflower seedling.

"Is that a sunflower?"I asked.

"Yup!"His smile got even more brighter.---if that was even possible.

I think I need sunglasses..

"I have just bought today!"Thorn said. "It's my gift for you!"

"For me?"I asked in confusion.

I like sunflowers, but why the sudden gift?

Thorn nodded. "Yup! It's to celebrate the fact that you will be cured soon!"

Oh. That makes more sense.

"Thank you, you didn't have to."I replied and patted his head.

"I insist!"He then pouted, trying to look upset, but he looked more cute than upset. "But I'm still upset that you won't tell me about your illness!"

I chuckled which made him pout even more. "It's not important anymore, isn't it? I will be cured, so no need to ruin the mood by finding out what the illness really was."

"Fine.."Thorn grumbled.


"How can I get my little flower to smile again?"I asked in a joking manner.

"If you give me a hug, then I might consider it."Thorn said while trying to look serious, but of course he failed.

"Alright then, a hug it is."I opened my arms and he immediately hugged me tightly.

Why didn't I treat him like this sooner? It feels so nice...

"Aww,you guys are adorable!"Mom squeeled and immediately took a picture of us.

"Mom!"I said.

"What? I'm just telling the truth!"Mom said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled.

Everything is getting better now..

The next two days went by and it was finally time for the operation.

"It's time."A doctor said.

Thorn suddenly hugged me and smiled brightly at me for the last time, before I went into the operation room.

I can't wait to play with Thorn at home again...we could play videogames together, wear matching outfits and go to the library together.

After hours of operation, it was finally done. It took me a couple hours before I actually woke up, but when I wake up, I was confused to only see my parents next to me.

I'm pretty sure that Thorn was also there.

"Where is Thorn?"I asked while looking around as much as I can. ---my body felt numb and I couldn't really move, so I could only move my eyeballs to see.

Did he go home?

I could see the window and it was dark outside. Perhaps he went home to sleep since he has school tomorrow?

"Is he at home?"I asked when my parents didn't reply.

"Sweety, I'm sorry.."Mom said with a sad smile on her face. "He insisted and we couldn't stop him..."

"What do you mean?"I asked in confusion.

They are acting strange.

"Son, Thorn is no longer with us.."Dad said and I could tell from his voice that he was very devastated.

"What do you mean 'no longer with us'?"I asked and I was slowly getting annoyed by their dodging responses.

"Thorn is..."Mom pressed her lips into a thin line. "He is the donor of your new heart.."


"Is that supposed to be a joke? It's not funny mom..."I said and looked at the two of them, but their expression remained the same. Sad and devastated...

It can't be..

"'re lying...right..?"I asked and hoped that they really were lying, but they shook their head and the relization hit me.

He is gone...

I will never see him again..

My flower is gone..

Did you guess that plotwist? :D

Hope you enjoyed ^^

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