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A week passed since Thorn joined our family and finally his room is done.

I was starting to get annoyed to share room with him

Today was weekend,but my parents are busy due to their work,so we had to stay alone at home.---which doesn't bother me at all

As usual I was experimenting in my room when Thorn suddenly entered the room,taking me by surprised which led my potion to fall on the floor

"Didn't I tell you to not enter my room!?"I asked in an annoyed tone while I wiped the potion off the floor with a tissue

That took me hours to make!

"I'm sorry I forgot..."Thorn said in a quiet tone as he tried to help me wipe it off,but I didn't let him

"Get out of my room and don't enter without permission again!"I demanded and he left the room

I sighed and laid on the bed after wiping it off the floor

It hasn't even been that long and I'm already regretting my decision.Why did I even agree in the first place!?

After a while I sighed in annoyence

Right.I felt pity for him...he looked so nervous and excited when I first saw him that I just couldn't help but pity him.He just wants to have a family...

Kindness sucks sometimes

After I calmed down I decided to read dor the rest of the day.I looked through my bookshelves,but there weren't anything that I haven't read or want to read again

Maybe I should go to the school library?

The school library is always open,even during weekends and holidays.It wasn't just a simple library,but it was also the city library,that why it's always open until 17 p.m.

After thinking it through I decided to go.

I was about to go when I saw Thorn through the window.He was talking with the flowers in the garden

A few days ago Thorn had asked my parents if he could take care of the garden which they happily agree.Since that day I keep seeing him in the garden.Either he is watering the flowers or talking with them

I can't leave him alone at parents would scold annoying...

"Thorn!"I called him from my window

He turned around and looked at me with a surprised yet happy expression "yes?"

"I'm going to the library.Do you want to come?"I asked

"Sure!"He said happily and immediately went to put on his shoes

Yes.He didn't wear any shoes in the garden.He straight up went there bare footed

We went to the library and I noticed that Thorn was excited the whole time.He was literally smiling to himself on our way there.

Is he that happy that I asked him if he wanted to come along?

Great.Now I feel even more guilty for ignoring him...

During the whole week I have tried everything that I can to avoid him at school and made excuses to not hang out with him at home.

I never thought that I would ever feel guilty for avoiding someone,but here I am.Feeling guilty for doing so

How can I not feel guilty when he litterally get excited when I talk to him?I could be telling him that he wrote something wrong and he would be happy.

I truly feel like a demon that is bullying an angel...

Soon we arrived at the library.I was going around and searching for books while he follows me like a puppy

Seriously.Just how bad does he wants to get along with me?

Should I just talk to him once?It's not like I will be getting rid of parents loves him and I don't really dislike him either---except the fact that he sometimes bothers me---plus,I would feel bad when he get send back to the orphanage because of me since I know that he really wants a family

"Do you like to read?"I asked trying to start a conversation

Thorn immediately smiled and looked at me with sparkling eyes "Not really,but if it's about plant then I would love to read it over and over again!"

Too bright

"You like plants?"I asked the obvious

Ofcourse he likes plants!He litterally spend hours in the garden!Why did I even ask the obvious...?

"Yup!I love them!They are so interesting and beautiful in the their own way!"Thorn said in an excited tone

I pointed at a bookshelf with my thumb "There are books about plants if you want to read"

"Really!?"Thorn said with big puppy eyes before he ran to the bookshelf to look at books


Wait- what did I just think!?

I pinched my cheek to bring me back to reality before I went to Thorn

"Did you find something that you like?"I asked

Thorn nodded enthusiastically and held up a book about flowers and their unique facts

"Let's sit over there,so that we can read in peace"I suggested while pointing with my thumb at a corner with two sit bags

"Okay!"Thorn agreed happily and we both sat there while reading books

While reading I took a few glances at Thorn and noticed at how invested he was in his book.I saw him reading a page twice,simply because he found it Interesting

Maybe we have something in common afterall?

After a few hours the library was about to close,so we decided to go home

I was placing the books that I had read back where they belonged while holding the other books that I still want to read in my hands,when I noticed Thorn reading a book as fast as he could,so that he could finish it before we leave

"You can borrow the book if you haven't finished it"I said which caught him off guard

"But I don't have a library card..."Thorn said in a slightly sad tone

"I can make one for you"I offered

"Really??"Thorn asked with excitement

"Yup"I replied and we went to the librarian to make a library card for Thorn before we borrowed some books

"I told you that you would eventually like him"The librarian said with a smirk

He has been telling me that for days!Why does everyone keep telling me that?It's honestly getting annoying

"Whatever"I said before going out of the library

So what if I actually start to like him?It's not like he is leaving...
I hope you enjoyed ^^

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