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It has been a week since that day,but ever then,me and Solar started to learn together.

Now we spent a lot of time together!

I thought that he would like me less when I get a bad score,but he offered to help me instead!

Isn't he nice?

And the most greatest thing was that I get to hug him!He didn't even want to hang out with me in the past,but now he let me hug him!

I'm so happy!

"Thorn?"Solar called me which snapped me out of my thoughts

"Yes?"I said

I'm so happy that I can't even really concentrate.I hate learning,but if it means that I get to spend time with him then I would gladly learn everyday!

"Do you understand it now or should I explain it again?"Solar asked calmly

Solar has been very patient with me,even when I asked him to explain it to me again for the fourth time.

He is a great teacher!

"I understood it!"I said happily

"Good"Solar said and smiled for a second before that dissappeared again.

One thing that I noticed about Solar,is that he would often smile at me,but only for a second,before that dissappeared.

I wonder why...maybe he doesn't like smiling?

After learning I went to the garden to take care of the plants,when I noticed that Solar also got out and read a book under a three.

He must like the weather!I mean,it's sunny right now,but it's not hot either.


I have a feeling that I don't have control over my body anymore.

For some reason I can't concentrate on reading---everything actually---when Thorn isn't around.

What is wrong with me?

But what even more strange is that I can't really fully concentrate on what I'm doing when he is around either!I just have the urge to check on what he is doing once in a while.

My brain is becoming my enemy right now.

I cursed at myself when I caught myself checking on Thorn again.

Since when did I start to care so much?

Without knowing my eyes fixated on Thorn again.

He was watering the water with a bright smile on his face.

For some reason he has been smiling much often this past few days,but...I don't mind it.In fact,it made me smile myself.

I shook my head and tried to concentrate on my book,but failed when I heard Thorn wince in pain.

Instinctly I rushed over to him and checked what was wrong.

He had accidentally poked his index finger on a thorn from the rose bush.

Stupid rose.

I pulled Thorn to the kitchen and bandage his finger.It didn't bleed that much,but I just had to put a plaster on it.

"Be careful"I said in a rather scolding tone and cursed at myself in my head.

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