ch.3:new school

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I'm so excited!

We were currently driving to school and I couldn't wait to be there!I hope they have a garden.I would love to take care of it when they allow me

Soon we arrived at the school and was surprised to see it.

It's huge!

Dad told me that this is a privat school,so it's big.There is also a pretty big library in the school!That what dad told me.

I wonder if there are any books about plants.Maybe I can go there with Solar.He seems to like to read since his room is filled with books

"Are you excited?"Dad asked and I nodded enthusiastically in respond "That's the spirit!"Dad then patted my head before he looked at Solar "And if you need anything then ask Solar"

Solar looked at him with an annoyed expression and huffed "Why me?I'm sure that there are more people that can help him"

"Because he is your brother"Mom said in a gentle tone"It's his first day,help him would you?"

Solar grumbled but agreed

There were only a few people at school.We went to school earlier so that I can look around before the lesson start---Solar agreed to show me around after a few convincing from mom

"This is our classroom"Solar said while placing his bag under his table

"Um...where do I sit...?"I asked

Solar thought for a while before replying "Just put under my table for now.You can take it later when the teacher tell you where to sit"

I nodded and did what he told me before we started the guide through the school.

We soon arrived at the library and the librabrian greeted Solar so they talked for a bit while I looked around

So many books!

But not only that.There are also sit bags,chairs and tables in the library. The perfect place to work on a project or do your homework

While looking around the libabrian's voice caught my attention when he mentioned my name

"He will be your brother from now on?"The librarian asked and Solar nodded in respond"I'm glad.You really need to talk with someone your age"

"Why does everyone think that?I'm completely fine on my own!"Solar said while crossing his arms in front of his chest

"You will change your mind once you know how it feels to have a friend your age"The librarian said

"I doubt it"Solar said before he pulled me out of the library

After the guide we went back to our class and the lesson began

"Kids,we have a new classmate joining our class"The teacher said"Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"H-hello.My name is Thorn and I love flowers"I said and tried to keep eye contact with the class

I'm so nervous...

"Alright,please sit next to your brother"The teacher said and I did what she asked me to

I sat in the middle row,next to the window.

The lesson starts and after that we have PE.I have just changed into my sport clotches when two boys approached me

"So you're Solar's brother?"A boy with black hair asked

"Yes,I am.Is there something wrong..?"I asked in confusion

Solar had already left the changing room,so I tried to change faster,but now they are stopping me from going to Solar

I'm not ready to talk with anyone else yet..!

"Do you like him?"The boy asked

"Ofcourse,he is my brother"I replied

Why is he asking me that?

"Brother?You're not even related!"A boy with brown hair said

I didn't reply and lowered my head a little

I know...

"Tch.You're much more pathetic than he is"The boy with black hair said

So mean...

"Aw look at him!He is going to cry!"The boy with brown hair said

I didn't do anything wrong to why are they so mean to me...?

Luckily the teacher called us from outside before they could say anything else

"Are you okay Thorn?You took quiet a while to change"The PE teacher said

"Yeah,I'm okay.I forgot to take my water botle with me,so I had to go back"I lied and he believed me

During PE the teacher assigned us with partners to do the warm ups and I was teamed up with someone named Ice?

I was searching for Ice,but I couldn't find him.Until someone told me where Ice was.He was sleeping behind a group of people so I didn't see him

There he is!

"Ice?"I said

"Hm..."He mumbled and wiped his eyes"Let's get this over with..."

"Okay"I agree

During P.E I keep glancing at Solar for once in a while and whenever I tried to talk with him,he would avoid me,so I stayed the whole time with Ice

He didn't talk much and was always half asleep,but atleast he wasn't rude.Plus,I didn't really want to be alone...

After that it was time for recess.I wanted to stay with Solar,but he already dissappeared before I could even talk to him

How is he so fast???

And now I'm lost in the garden...I was trying to go to the libabry to search for Solar,but I got lost in the way and ended up in the garden instead

"How am I going to find Solar when I can't even find the library???"I asked myself and sighed

I was about to go back to my class to spend the whole recess there,but then a bush of roses caught my attention and I ended up staying there until recess ended.
I hope you enjoyed ^^

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