Ch.2: Rainfall

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"I hope so too, you deserve it bestie." She said in the exact tone she uses where I know it's the truth.

"Thanks bestie."


When we arrived at the school we could already feel the break coming.

Winds blew like crazy and it was constantly raining every day, never like this before. So me and Daisy suspected this would likely be our last week here before we go on break. How long? Who knows? All I know is I'm not ready.

Weather like this is gonna have extreme negative effects for my love search in these desperate times I face.

Thoughts like that were encouraging me less and less each moment, and therefore I started spiraling a bit. I know it may seem like a bit of an overreaction, but I'm just so sick of being alone. Daisy is the only one who can really be there for me all the time, but when she's not there everything sucks. And who knows what the next coming days will look like...

Me and Daisy finally push through the school doors, saving us from the insane rain that wouldn't stop showering.

"What's the last time you've seen anything like that? I mean sure it's been raining a lot recently, but how did it suddenly start storming within such a short time span?" Daisy endlessly pondered the unusual weather circumstances our town found itself in, but I couldn't really think about it took much without getting sick. Not physically but just a nauseating empty feeling deep in my stomach. It feels like everything is just gonna keep going wrong for me.

"Hey guys, how was your weekends?" Alex suddenly appears with Shirley following closely behind, as she most often is.

"Oh well I had a great post-Halloween weekend, but I didn't get to see this girl too much because she was out getting to know a new girl. Right Cass." Daisy said poking me with a devious smile on her face.

"Oooohh am I hearing correctly Cassidy? You with a girl, now this would have to be Wendy wouldn't it?" Alex responded giddy with excitement. Shirley's reaction was similar, though less mockingly than her girlfriend's. "Well yeah, duh." I responded shrugging my shoulders as if it's nothing. Really it was nothing because I'm not actually dating her or anything at all. "So do we wanna spill a little bit? Anything out of the ordinary happen while you were with her?" Alex kept prodding with the utmost determination to find out all my business.

"That's hardly your business girl." I said flicking my hair to the side. She held her hand to her chest with clear offense taken.

"You did not just deny me info. Now what the fuck happened, because clearly it was something." She said reaching for my neck violently, as Shirley held her back with all her strength.

"You guys gotta calm down, it's so early and you're already so rambunctious." Daisy said giggling a bit, which made me raise my hands in defense. "Hey, she's the one who won't stop asking me questions and starts freaking out of me. I'm innocent here. I said motioning toward the psycho who was attempting to choke me out in the middle of the hall.

"Come on Cass why can't you just tell me? It couldn't have been something that crazy, was it?" She asked with wider eyes on her final question.

"If you must know we made out a bit okay? Is that so crazy? All of you freaks do it like every day." I say coming off a bit harsher than I realize. "You don't have to get mad about it Cass, she just wants to know about your date. We all wanna see you find love." Daisy said attempting to comfort me, but it only made me feel worse due to the hidden truths I was keeping to myself.

I can feel tears start to crawl their way from my eyes so I try quickly ending the conversation so I could leave. "Sorry, I know that. It's just hard to talk about something when you don't know for sure if it's gonna work out. At least for me it is." I say before quickly looking away. "I gotta go to the bathroom so I'll see you in class." I say jogging away from the conversation.

I already know they're gonna think that was weird and will definitely ask questions, but I just can't deal with it right now.

I find myself at the end of the hall where an empty closet always laid in wait for sad or horny teenagers looking to occupy its space. This time it was my turn. It's much smaller than I remember but still enough room to comfortably cry on the floor.

So that I did, but not for long. I was trying my best to quickly wipe away the tears in order to not have the look of a girl who was just crying. Of course someone would be correct in having that assumption of me, but I'd rather that not even pass through their head. I stand after only a couple minutes of sitting, and swing open the door and make my way to the closest bathroom. I need to wash my face asap and hope for the best.

I push through the door labeled 'women' and found my way to the nearest sink.

Turning it on I quickly splash water on it, completely drenching my face in water. After a few times of doing so I turning off the water and stayed leaning over the sink catching my breath.

Finally I look up at myself in the mirror and not only see myself, but also Wendy, starring at me through the reflective surface. "Cassidy? Are you okay?" She asks with deep concern, inching her way closer to me. I almost feel like snatching myself away and running out, but it was too late. She had already caught me.

"No." I say plainly, and sulk in my wetness of a face.

"Do you need a hug?" She suggested which actually sounded pretty good. I nod lightly and she gets even closer, close enough to wrap her long sleeved black and white striped shirt around me from behind. "Why were you crying?" She asked, likely knowing the answer already but wanting to take it slow. "I just.. you know. I just can't stop thinking about it. The stuff we talked about last night. I keep thinking of how I'm gonna be alone for so long, especially with this shitty weather that came to ruin everything that wasn't fucked up already."

She slowly nodded to everything I said before responding, "You gotta stop stressing about stuff like that so much. Just keep being yourself, having fun, and someone will find you eventually. You're too awesome for anyone to overlook, so if you just keep meeting enough people, you'll find the right one." She finished with her now typical smile of an Angel.

"How do you always just know what to say?" I ask in jealousy and confusion. "But still, how am I supposed to meet anyone if we're about to have a storm roll through town? We'll be stuck inside forever." I add with the concern growing on my face again.

"I don't know Cassidy, all I know is that things will go the way they are supposed to. That's just how it goes in life. Just keep waiting. That's the best I got for this one." She said with disappointment in her voice, knowing I wouldn't like the answer too much. But I understood, maybe I'll be fucked for weeks with no one to be there for me. And maybe I'll meet someone right after. That's just for me to find out and possibly die waiting in the process.

"Thanks Wendy. You're too good for anybody." I said with a smile finally coming to me. "I just like helping people." She said with her typical innocence shining through.

"What did I say, too good for anybody? You're just proving my point."

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