Ch.2: Rainfall

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Cassidy's P.O.V:

As unexpected as it was, I left my visit with Wendy yesterday happy, and ready.

For what you may ask? Well love that is, and not like last time. I'm not finding some new girl to pretend to like for a day. I'm letting her find me.

Wendy made me realize that it's best to simply wait for the right thing to happen rather than seeking out replacements for my sinking heart. As dark as it may feel, the hole will heal itself with enough care and attention from the one I find. Whoever she may be. Though if she happened to give me her name it would be a lot easier... but that's neither here nor there.

"Cassidy!" I hear my dear mother call. "Yeah I know I'll be down in a sec!" I shout back and grab my phone along with headphones, shoving them into my sweater pocket, and slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

I round the corner at the bottom of the stairs to see her moving frantically in the kitchen cleaning up the children's mess'.

"Lively as always, and on a splendid Monday morning." I say sarcastically, gaining her attention. "I need you to help Grace with her shoes, I need to finish their lunches within 2 minutes so I can take them on time." She's says rapidly enough for me to almost not completely catch it. "Ok, got the memo, hurry." I say bending down to tie my littlest sister's shoes.

"Thanks sissy" she said to me in her typical adorable fashion. "No problem girly, love ya." I said with a wink and she giggled running off to the kitchen where her lunchbox stood, finally filled with its contents.

"Alright I'm out mom, I'll give Daisy your best wishes." I say looking back at her flustered, yet still frantic face before shutting the door on my way out.

Daisy comes out of her house practically the same time as me, and we meet at my car as I'm turning my key. "Hey bestie, mom still loves you of course. Thought I'd deliver the message for you this morning." I give a toothy smile and throw up a peace sign before peeling it out of the driveway. "Oh, well that's sweet of you. I'm glad she still feels that way with all this time apart." She says jokingly. "Yeah what, would it be about 12 or less hours. I know your ass doesn't know how to stay home."

I look over to check and my suspicions were correct that she would be blushing. "Gosh, always blushing so easily. Such a mess." I say knowing it would only fan the flame of her cheeks more.

That heat was likely sedated due to her leaning against the window next, the pouring rain made the windows quite cold.

"Why do you always have to be the perfect friend?" She's asks which trades the blush to my cheeks. "Well I wouldn't say perfect, look at how I've felt towards you all this time. No perfect friend would do that." I say keeping my eyes locked on the road. "Well I'd have to disagree, the perfect friend doesn't need to follow some spreadsheet to see what would make her perfect. She's just perfect because she is and always will be my friend, and doesn't have problems when her friend does unspeakable things with her mother."

All this praise she suddenly showers me with continued the retaliation of blushing she's been casting me with.

"K whatever, I'm perfect, you're perfect, that's just how it is I guess. People have to start learning to deal with it or there's gonna be some serious issues." I say, soon gaining laughs from both her and I. After a few moments things fell to a nice silence, besides the great music playing.

"Hey I was gonna ask, did you have a good time at that new girl's house?" Daisy asked as the song ended. "Oh yeah, it was great. We really hit it off I think, I hope so at least, she's really sweet." I said with a slight smile pinned to my face. "Aww, look at you." She said while lightly punching my arm a few times. "Is someone finding love?" She said still smirking my way. "I hope so." I end with determination, to find the one for me, and for the future. One I dream on about, in where I can tell the one I love how I feel, and feel I can accomplish any goal, so long as they're by my side.

My Best Friend's Mom TooOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora