Eight : A three-person family

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Note: the italic ones are Midoriya's inner thoughts and the underlined ones are todoroki's inner thought

"Now that this matter is resolved I need to go find my wife", Todoroki said.
"Here, take this", Kirishima handed him a peace of paper. "It's the current address of your wife and son." Kaminari said.
"When you called us yesterday to check on your house we realised some shit was going on." Said bakugo.
"And as you expected, they don't live in that home for about a month. It seems like they have moved out"- Ida.

"While Kaminari, Ida and I were finalising the documents we sent "Kacchan" to look for bakugo", Kaminari said. Poking Bakugos side when he said "kacchan".
"Because he knows best where Midoriya, could've gone. After all they are childhood friends", Kirishima said putting an arm around Bakugos shoulder.
"SHUT UP. That idiot deku is too easy to read. He has a kid with him so definitely can't go very far. I told some of my man to look for him in nearby cities. Didn't look long", Bakugo explained.

"Your man...don't state your friends as your man...you sound like some kind of gang leader", Kaminari said.


"That's rude, c'mon man!"

"Guys if Midoriya runs away far it's gonna be troublesome," Ida reminded them.
"Yeah right. Yo, Todoroki, hurry up and get going!" Kirishima said excitedly.
"Yeah, leave the rest for later." Kaminari said and pushed Todoroki.
"Go and seduce him once again", they all said in unison except Bakugo.
"I will", Todoroki replied with a grin.


Deku just returned from the supermarket. He went out to get groceries. It wasn't particularly a hot day but climbing the stairs made him sweat profusely. He huffed as he climbed the last step of the stairs. The bag was heavy and his hand was getting tired from carrying it for so long. As he was approaching his flat he saw someone standing there. Leaning on the wall, arms crossed. Someone familiar.....Todoroki kun!

His grip got loose and he dropped the bag.
Why is he here..how is he here?!

"Midoriya...I want to talk-"

"I'm sorry. Please go away", Midoriya yelled. Trying to open the door quickly.

Why is Todoroki kun here? Eventhough he has barely come back last five years! To think that he found me so easily....Does he want to take Sho with him!

Right at that moment, Sho came to open the door. "Mom, welcome home!"
Midoriya's breath hitched. "No, don't come out!" He tried to stop Sho. Midoriya tried to push him inside of the house. But Sho was stubborn. He wanted to see what was going on. He poked his head out of the door and looked to his right. In front of him, stood a man with an unusual half red half white hair.

"Todo...roki kun....?", sho said pausing a bit.

"Sho...",Todoroki tried to approach him. But he could t because of Midoriya.

Midoriya hugged Sho and yelled "NO! Please just leave! This child is named under the Midoriya. Please don't take him away from me!" Midoriya sat down on the floor while hugging Sho. He was crying.

Todoroki stood there..too stunned to speak. He kept looking at Sho...he has grown so much!

I didn't want to give up on Midoriya and Sho. Even without any promises I hoped the three of us could live togather. But....Midoriya has long given up on me...

It's been five years since Sho was born. Time went by in a blink of an eye. While I was busy at work hopi g for the three of us to live togather..Sho had grown up.

How long has it been since I Iast received a photo of Sho?
I didn't realise he had grown this big already...

Todoroki kneeled down on the floor in front of Sho and his wife. Head hung low.
"Sorry. Five years is a long time", he apologised. "Really, I'm truly sorry that I made you go through such painful times...". Todoroki apologised from the bottom of his heart.

Midoriya sat there on the ground, still holding Sho in his embrace. Tears were flowing free from his eyes. And Sho was still processing what was going on.

"No..it's my fault...everything is my fault...", Midoriya blurted out. Todoroki raised his head to look at him.

"I know you promised me a future with you but I could only imagine a future when you'd throw me away..while I wished for the baby to have green hair as me , I also ended up wishing them to be just like you..I couldn't help but feel that one day you will disappear from my life. If so...I wanted a substitute for Todoroki kun...I thought about keeping this to myself...but it's impossible.
Even for just a moment I wished for such selfish things, so this is my punishment", Midoriya said.
"Sho, mommy's sorry..I-"

"I already knew that", Sho said. His small hands clutched his shirt.
"Whenever I got prizes in contests or became first in the class, you always had such a sad expression in your face ,mom", the kid said.

"Truth is I really dislike Cold Soba. But it's this man's favourite isn't it?" Sho pointed at Todoroki.

"I knew that when you looked at me, you were thinking about another person", Sho's words shocked both of his parent.

"Sho...I'm sorry.." Midoriya apologised to his son. He thought that he did a great job bringing up Sho alone. But he never realised that he unintentionally neglected him..now the guilt was eating at him.
"I'm so sorry..I never realised how much I hurt you", he said and pulled him into a hug.

"But I'm happy mom..I'm happy that looking at me somewhat eased your pain. I know that I have nothing similar to you...but I'm your son" Sho said.
He got out of his mom's embrace and turned to his dad.
"I'm my mom's son. No matter what anyone says, I want to stay with mom", he said with such determination in his face , that very few people would even think of seeing on a grown adults face.

Ahh..that's right. The todoroki family said that if the baby was a boy and had red hair, they'd take him away. I was so afraid that I gave up on the marriage. But everything is okay now. This child understands it well. He said it himself that he wants to stay with his mom.

"Sho, this man is your father. And he's my husband...we're a family, Sho." Midoriya finally introduced Sho to his father.

In the rectangular appertment, the wind blew from the open windows to the entrance. It was as if it was trying to give us a push forward.

"This flat is too small for three person...I want to go back. To the bed that was made so three people could sleep on it. I can't let the ridiculously large closet Todoroki kun built go to waste. And its quiet the pain to clean it, you know?" Midoriya told Todoroki. Todoroki laughed and wiped the tears off his eyes. He hugged his wife and son. "Yeah let's go".

"Oh, right..Sho, just now you said you have nothing similar to your mom but you were wrong. You have something similar to your mom, something very important", Todoroki said.
"I do?"
"Yes. Your righteousness. You're  righteous just like your mom", Todoroki said and ruffled Sho's hair.

A few months later they got married and sometime after that, they went to the hospital to check Sho's second gender. And Endeavour was right.

Sho really was an Alpha.

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