Six : Disappear

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It was because the empty photo frame broke...the photo frame that Todoroki gave us. Today the weather is so nice. I discarded the accumulated trash. The broken glasses were glistening in the sunlight.

Midoriya sat on his bedroom floor with the broken glass shards in his hand. After losing the ring this photo frame was my last hope. I'm not superstitious or any thing...but I can't help but feel like we can never become a family...looking at the frame made me so sad I eneded up thinking everything was just so troublesome. Yes that's right,  it was because the photo frame broke..I reached the end of my rope.

"Hey, Sho..should we leave?"

I will disappear togather with this child. Today the weather was so nice. I discarded the accumulated trash. I also threw away the person I loved for years. We left so we could start a new life.


I never saw the ring again since the day I lost it. Not seeing the ring on my finger makes me frustrated...I can't calm down. While washing dishes or dealing with water I was always so careful to not let the ring slip off. I know I should've taken it off when dealing with soap and water....but I didn't wanna take it off my finger. Not even for a moment. Sometimes the ring used to clank against the plates. I liked that noise..I can't relax. What would Todoroki kun say? It must've been expansive.

If it fell somewhere inside of the house I need to search for it...I can't find it then I need to apologise to him the next time we meet. The next time...when will it be?

"Mum, have you seen my green T-shirt?" Sho's voice snapped him back to reality. He was folding clothes."Oh, I think it's in here somewhere. Let me see", he said. He put the last stack of clothes inside the closet and started looking for Sho's shirt. "Ah, found it. Here take it", he pulled the shirt from under other clothes. His elbow knocked the photo frame over. Sho was standing right below the frame. If he doesn't move him it's gonna fall on him.

"SHO! BE CAREFUL!!!" Midoriya yelled and pushed him out of the way with one hand and punched the frame away with the other. The frame went flying and hit the wall and shattered into pieces.

" went flying...just like the Detroit smash from the superhero anime,mom".
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Oh no...the photo frame"...Midoriya looked at the broken shards."Sho, don't go near the shards. I'll go get the broom." "Okay".

I discarded the accumulated trash. We still have a while to go before the incombustible garbage day.... He returned with the broom and started cleaning by picking up the large pieces first. He remembered Todoroki said that they'd hang their wedding picture in this frame.

We couldn't use them even once he thought.

"Wow", Sho's exclaim of wonder caught his attention. He looked at where he was looking at. Sho was looking at walls and ceiling. The sunlight from the open window reflected on the shards and created a beautiful art on the walls. It looked like someone had decorated the walls with jwells.

"So pretty" He thought. He stared at the scene for a moment. Suddenly he clanched his fist.

That's it. I've had enough...for how long should I wait?! Sho will start elementary school next year. In all his drawings there is only one person, me, a mother. There is ever a father there. All my friends have dad, why don't I have one? I'm sure he has wanted to know that for a long time now.
Even after this long, I still love Todoroki kun. I know he promised me a future with him...but it's been five years. I'm sacred that he can't get rid of the family's pressure and he'll take Sho with him.
Midoriya put the broom down and walked to Sho. He sat down in front of him and took his hands in his hands.

"Hey, Sho ...should we leave?"

Flashback end

"This house is smaller compared to our previous house",Sho said as he looked around. "Yes..this is our house now for the time being." Midoriya replied.
They had left their previous house and moved in a scruffy flat in Hosu City.

Since I didn't want anyone to know it was hard to find a nice home in such a short time. This is a two bedroom flat with one kitchen, one bathroom and a dining-living room combined. There is a nice balcony too.
He put his right thumb and index finger over his left ring finger. "Oh..that's right..I lost the ring" He was going to circle the ring over his finger but the forgot that he lost the ring. It has become a habits hasn't it...

I have lost the ring, the photo makes me think that as if they don't like being in my hand...what will Ioose next? I'm not the type of person who believes in this type of things though the important thi gs I thought of holding on to for a life time weren't originally mine. As such ,the thing I don't want to loose next is...

His eyes landed on Sho. The kid was exploring their new home.

God! The hell am I thinking! That's right , an empty mind is the devil's workshop. I need to keep myself busy.

"Sho let's unbox these boxes" Midoriya suggested.
"Okay" sho replied cheerfully.

Unboxing the packages and putting them in their place took all day. Even though they didn't have that much stuff.

"Nnnnngh, whew! That was a lot of work" Sho said ,acting like an old man.
"Pfft hahhaha, yeah. It was. Were finally done." Midoriya said and ruffled Sho's hair. 
He put his hand on his waist and looked around.

Even though it was such a large apartment, these are all our belongings.
"Is it just me or is anyone else starving?" Midoriya asked.
"I think I have a group of rats running around inside my stomach Momma", Sho said.
"Shall we order takeout?"
"Okay." Midoriya went to order a takeout. He was too tired to cook.

I also left behind the passbook Todoroki kun gave us for living expenses. But we should be able to get by with my savings for about half a year...I need to find a job too.

He let out a sigh..he had to resign from his job in order to move out. He also took Sho out of school...well that wasn't much of a problem. He was just in nursery. He starts actual school next year.

The smell of wax is annoying. This house doesn't have a good sun exposure, it's perfect for 2 people. In the end the dream of us living togather didn't come true even once.
Surprisingly when I think I won't be able to see Todoroki kun ever again, tears no longer fall. Even though I thought I would cry,I'm more heartless than I thought I was....

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