Part 6

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When Jenny is going to open the door she smelled the cigarettes and she see a tall figure unmagerg in the shadows in the door and when she's about to open it almost wrapped her and Jenny cut a white snake body and shout " You little piece of shadow Ummera Come out already!!" And a half snake man with a long white hair sticking out of his hoodie and Jenny say " Ummera you never learn do you " Ummera reply "hmmm good as ever Jenny" and Jenny let him come in the house... After they enter , Huan Er shout "hey don't leave me Ummera" the house catch the attention of the boy in the street with a strange compass and he smiled and say mom , sis I found you and a year fall in his eye and the Yang Lee notice the boy smell like Vanessa while in his way home and he keep an eye on the boy didn't know that he has been follow by his sister Airish ..... The Jenny and the four visitors enter the house they go to the secret room that Jenny only know and the informer Huan Er and they all enter when they enter the room is pitch black but the light has been turned on by the assistant Ai in the room and it welcome Jenny and Jenny say "thanks Didi" and the room that has no gadget at all, suddenly all  the machine come out and Didi say " Master What do you need" and Jenny say I need a room that is fit for planing " the room change it self and say here it it that you need Jenny and the other go to their wanted sit and Huan Er and Angela are fighting on who should sit next to Jenny because the other set has been occupied by Ummera and they play jack and poi and Angela win she use rock over scissor and she sit beside Jenny and she stick with her all the time in the meeting they make a role for every person in the room and the role of Huan is going to knock out one of the bodyguard in the mansion and disguise as the bodyguard that he knocked out and Angela is going to be a hired maid and Xua is going to be the secret spy in the prison and lastly Ummera is going to watch every move of the people in the mansion and Jenny is going to rescue the two members of the group that is the mission and kill the man that capture them and make an explosion in the mansion that is the plan and the first to enter is the 3 Huan,Angela and Xua is going to enter and Ummera is going to make a 3 spy lenses in their eye and ear so he can be the portal for the information of the 3 and after the 3 enter the mansion they'll disguise and after 3 weeks Jenny is going to attack as an assassin to make her role that is the plan they come up with..

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