Part 5

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In the room Vanessa hide because she knows that aura around Jenny is full of murderous aura without mercy and Jenny disappear in the thin air and the Jenny open the door with a two adult in both of her hands and she harshly put them down and say "ouch " and Jenny say "you two always wanted me to find you and here you are in my door step" and the woman reply "hey we are just ordered to assist you with the next mission by the CEO ok so just accept us" and the man say" hey we are not ordered you just want to see Jenny again and you even insisted on helping her in her mission " ,"hey shit up I just missed her ok hump "the woman reply and she spot the little girl on the closet and she disappear in a thin air like Jenny a minute ago and she drag Vanessa out of the closet she say"who's child is this Jenne" "hey let me go my hair, it's going to pull out of my skull you ugly woman" and the woman who grab Vanessa feel angry and she drop Vanessa because she feel the most merderous aura staring at her and she look in the direction of Jenny, and the strange woman say "Jenny is this your child " and Jenny reply"You never change Angela your still like your species your always curious in things like a raccoon" and Angela suddenly feel sorry for her self and the man who was with Angela reply "Jenny is right you always act immature" and Angela reply "Xua Li you always act mature but your still young" "will I'm more mature than you Angela " "oh you two shit up before I slice off you're throat " Jenny say while she hug the little girl who fell asleep after she was released in Angela hand while activiting the coffee maker and she go to the room with Vanessa in her hands she changed Vanessa's dress and call someone in a summoning circle she summon a great white fox and it open it's eye slowly and she punch on Jenny face and said you didn't summon me while crying and Jenny shut her mouth because Vanessa is sleeping and Jenny order her to take care of Vanessa and protect her also she give a shadow portal in Vanessa shadow so she can go back to the land of shadow where the fox live and she can also go back here when Vanessa was in danger Jenny explain it to the fox and the fox is ready to go back because she has unfinished work to do and Jenny call her and say "Jane Thank you "
Meanwhile Angela and Xua Li take a coffee and drink while talking about the girl and Angela say "hey aren't you curious she already has a daughter and she even traiten us" and Xua Li reply" will they look alike when Jenny was a little girl " and Jenny enter and she say "can't you two just ask someone when you guys wanted the truth?" And say "she's not my daughter" and the three hear the bell ring's and Jenny say maybe someone else remember me .

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