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A/N: a scary surprise <3  for y'all happy Halloween

11:03 AM
Date: May 12th, 2018
Location: Safe House

Harry Styles

These never ending questions have finally come to an end.

I just finished telling my side of the story within the last hour or so and all I wanted was to go back to sleep and make sure these stitches were to be healed within the next few weeks. My head sits behind the cushion of the sofa and I close my eyes for a quick five seconds.

That is until I sense a warming presence crawl onto my lap. Arms wrapping around my neck so tightly and to my right side is a pair of wide eyes in a pool of golden amber.

They stare back at me, trying to reach deep into my brain. It seems weird and disturbing, but we're still figuring each other out. One way or another.

"This morning already feels like a busy day by the time we got up." Sloane's voice ripples just before it hits my ear.

"You think it's too late to change the locks and kick them out?" I say.

Cade has started a conversation with Cory which seems to be going well about things that interest them the most. Devon went to go make some late breakfast while Carter wanted to smoke a new roll in his pocket.

She giggles. "You're gonna have to tell my uncle that when he comes to find you staying in here with me."

The thought almost haunts me, knowing he would find every weapon in his position to come and kill me off. It'll send me to my grave faster when he learns that his niece is giving me a safe haven while I've been making her mine.

My hand covers my eyes. "I think it's better if we just kick them out so we can go back to bed."

"I think I would agree with you on that." She replies.

Her hands move over to the back of my head, fingers crawling through the roots of my hair as it soothes me so easily. It's hard not to keep my groans from echoing off these walls.

"I like when you do that to me, darling." I mumble, my eyes falling back.

As she continues toying with my hair, I start to wonder how the hell are we going to survive off the secrets that are now being told to our friends. Either way, I was hoping we could escape somewhere off the country and start our new lives there.

Just the two of us. I can almost picture myself in a quiet cottage home and with her by my side as we watch the sunset come down and the stars fall into place.

I want that so much knowing she would too.

"Since we got sidetracked for the past two hours-" Sloane disturbs me as I open my eyes. "Tell me more things about the real you."

My memory still lagged on the past experiences before meeting her, but she told me she wanted to hear everything I would unfold. There's no more hiding from her.

During breakfast, she unraveled the long adventures and missions that put her life on the line just so she could be a higher rank. Both of us didn't attend school once we entered the task force. The high school was just a cover-up for her and I; she graduated a year early. Turns out, she speaks 4 languages but uses French to talk amongst her organization.

"Well if I can remember aside from the long lists of profiles and names that I was ordered to go by, I never really had to change my name. It didn't seem a big of a deal to me and it was easier if I could finish them off."

"Okay then." An awkward smile lets loose from her mouth. "But not once did you ever go by an alias?"

I shake my head. "Only when I was undercover for take outs and missions. All the names they had up for me were kind of lame and stupid."

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