Twenty One

97 3 0

23:10pm (10:10pm)
Date: April, 4th, 2018
Location: Greendale, Oregon

Harry Styles

This has been the most exhausting week I've had since the time I had to stay in Florida just killed a stupid weapons seller against our enemies.

The move over here with the boys was just another shit show with Carter and Cade arguing over the rooms in the new house. At least SIDD did its job for once and relocated us closer to the targets in this area. Ashland had nothing over there to prove it's just another small town.

But Greendale is much smaller, lots of eyes everywhere for now.

At least the walking distance is much better than Ashland's. I'm halfway through another cigarette as I continue to walk with no weapons in hand to the new house.

It's much harder to keep the private life private than in public. SIDD has never fallen down to those lame fuckers in CASTA, its a surprise that they've gotten this close to our walls, and with Damien now taking ties with us. The stubborn shithead has way more of a temper than our 12- year old recruits.

I was supposed to head down to SIDD to bring out more information about the spies against us, but a little mishap led somewhere else. School, what another waste of my time but after hours.

I couldn't help myself to see that the only car still sitting in the parking lot was her's amongst the empty spaces. I knew she wouldn't leave school without her ride (jokes aside from that ass of hers) but something told to see if she was still there.

She wasn't at her usual spot near the lockers when the last bell rings because I would always be the first one out to get to her.

I know it's strange for me, following my intuition instead of my head. My feelings don't really break out of sympathy, but for Sloane she has that against all other will. That's what makes her stronger, yet she doesn't use it as often as everyone else. Guess that's something we share a lot.

It's something about her that draws so much attention. I've yet to remember how I can picture her somewhere I haven't been but also haven't met her in another time.

Something tells me she's never fully accepted love outta nowhere, because I've seen the way she tries to reject my kindness as a way to make her happy. And that's what gonna eat her up: the fear of being loved by someone who once loved her.

I looked inside her car, but saw nothing but her belongings. But what caught me off guard was that the gates were locked. Chained with high bars sticking up and to prevent any more vandalism this hell hole of a school has.

I kept walking around in circles everywhere, hoping that she wasn't attending some stupid after school activities or night classes at the least. So I hopped the fence, avoiding any misdemeanors for the night guards to catch me. It's been a while since I've been to a school in my early days before I left to train.

Dad always pushed me more than the need of education, so I dropped out early so he would stop making remarks of how I can never own up to him. I'm just glad I didn't have to see him and his ugly face after I was sent to another location after another. He honestly would've enjoyed it, sending off his puny son to kill off targets.

As I kept roaming the school, I realized there was only one place she could possibly be. Heading to the football field and taking one turn, there she was; She was sitting all by herself, the way she always wants to feel. Her body was covered by a big hoodie that hid her face and the wind picking up pieces of her hair while she sat in pure loneliness.

She didn't mind that I almost scared her to death, but then somewhere in her mind, she told me to stay. Eventually, she wasn't afraid to speak about what was going on with her, and I knew the second she told me about that Brayden guy, I kept my anger inside and bottled it up. I've abandoned my thoughts and my duties just so I could be with her.

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