Math Homework Pt. 3

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Your POV:

"Hey, um Robbie," you opened your eyes to find him already staring at you deeply, his face turning into a tomato as his eyes left yours quickly and he turned his head the other way, his hair whipping around cutely. He held his hands together, dropping the textbook as if waiting in anticipation of your words.

And he still looked cute.

He looked even cuter as he watched you with interest.

"Um, so about a few minutes ago," you were stuttering now, as you criss-crossed yourself over the bed to look him in the eyes better, settling into an easy long look at each other, "I'm sorry," you finally breathed out when he had smirked at you and reached a bit closer, your noses an inch apart. The sneaky bastard SAW how nervous you were. You should have been slightly annoyed with yourself, that you were so easy to read with him. Bug instead, the burning feeling of excitement at the thought of you guys sharing the same air filled your insides and you boldly placed the palm of your hand on his knee, causing him to look down with surprise, his green blue eyes now filled with an emotion you hadn't quite learned the name of. This happened often during your study session with each other. But this time the atmosphere was... different.

"What," his thick British cut through the comfortable tension like a knife, melting you even more, "could you be sorry about right now?" You felt your face turn into a shade of a tomato as you cleared your throat a bit and stared down at your hand on him, "I just, t-the thing from before reminded me of the pranks me and Fiona used to pull on you. I just realized I never really apologized for it," you panicked internally as he turned your face to his gently, his eyes flickering down to your lips as your breathing became one, synchronized in one big symphony. "No need to apologize Y/N," he whispered as your heart sped up.

Was he gonna...

"I would take any chance to be near you," were the last words you heard before a soft pair of lips connected with yours and in pure bliss your eyes fluttered shut. As the kiss went further and he held you closely, you fell on your back, giggling slightly after the breath of fresh air. "That was... unexpected," you exhale slowly as the corners of his mouth turn up in a cheeky smile and he falls next to you on the bed and rolls over. You turn to him, your face in a giddy expression and his the same.

"You know how long I've wanted to do that?" he gives you an awestruck look and his warm breath across your face makes the butterflies suddenly exploding in your stomach reform.

"How long?" Your voice is barely audible, but it's cranked on the highest tone you have ever heard.

"As soon as we met," he sighs happily, looping one arm over you and pulling you closer, hugging you tightly as if you would crumble without his stability. "I mean how could I not? You were pretty and mean and I love mean people. You made me laugh," he said simply and you chuckled a bit, remembering Fiona mentioning something about how Robbie always fell for "mean" girls.

"I don't know when I started liking you," you finally broke the comfortable silence and settled into Robbie's body, warm and cuddly, happy, "I just know I did. I felt bad about all the pranks me and your sister pulled but I always thought you hated me for it, so why stop?" Now it was Robbie's turn to let out a deep laugh, his heartbeat running rapidly against your chest.

"Wait till Fiona finds out about us," he hummed as his hand travelled down your waist and you swatted it away gently, nodding in agreement,

"Yup. It's going to be crazy. Hopefully it's a good crazy, but crazy." You leaned up to look at Robbie's face, now without shame, and went in for another sweet kiss.

Then the door opened.

And it was Fiona

"Hey Y/N the door was open so... WHAT THE FU-

I'm ending it there hehe

😌 low-key exhausting to write this but whatevs

Anything for the pancakes 😤

Okie byee

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