Just Dance

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Y/n's POV:

🎶 I've got them moves like jagger🎶

The song ended, the booming echo that had shattered my eardrums repeatedly silenced. My breath was ragged as I struggled to take deep breaths. I stood, no, squatted in my fuzzy robe sagging over me with my matching slippers on and hair tied up into a bun. I was in ultimate relaxation mode with my face mask on and in my hand a vanilla milkshake while I danced the night away. Well just danced to be accurate. My mom and dad left me for a month long work trip during summer and I was going to take the time to enjoy it without them on my back. My mind was happy and bubbling and it felt like I was floating in the air because of the amount of sugar I had in the past week I've been alone. And when I'm sugar-high, I think of Robbie. Well I think about Robbie all the time but especially during sugar rushes. See, Robbie Kay is my best friend of almost 13 years and also my crush (read: love of my life). We've known each other since we were 5, when I first moved here and ever since I pushed him in the playground sandbox because he threw a stick at me we've been best friends. Robbie was kind and caring and really funny too. He spoke in the most beautiful British accent and he was just an all around great person and as I am drifting away in my thoughts I can feel my face getting hot. Ohh, just thinking about him brought butterflies to my stomach. But I always have to control them around him. He's always acted like my best friend, but just that. Nothing more and nothing less which is fine, it's just that a piece of me wishes to tell him how I feel but it could jeopardize our friendship and losing him is not worth me admitting how I feel for him. I love him too much to hurt him like that.
Dinggggg! The doorbell broke the silence I was left in as my head darted towards the door on suspicion. It was 2 in the morning, who the fuck would be awake at this time? Is this a trap? Am I about to be jumped? I ran to the kitchen frantically, almost spilling my drink and got out one of my pans as I armed myself for my potential intruder. Fear overtook my insides and my lips quivered slightly in terror as I slowly inched towards the door. I grabbed the cool handle, in position to hit someone over the head with a frying pan and I squeezed my eyes shut as the lock clicked and...

"Y/n I knew you were- HOLY FUCK PUT THE PAN DOWN!" Robbie yelled at me covering his face as I dropped the pan from my hand in shock. "Robbie? What are you doing here at 2 am in the morning?" I asked, scratching my head as he stepped into my house. He turned around and crossed his arms, a teasing look in his ocean eyes. " You first. Why did you try to hit me with a PAN?" He emphasized on the last part as I bent over to pick up the pan and I rolled my eyes once they met his again. "Usually no one comes knocking at someone's house at 2 in the morning," I say with a sigh as I pull Robbie's arm through the small hallway as he stumbles behind me. "I thought you were an intruder," I finished off simply and I flopped onto my couch. "Now for your explanation," I grin and point at him. He looks at me with an excited look enveloping his face and he cuddles up right next to me causing my heartbeat to shoot through the roof. "Well, remember that acting gig for Peter Pan in Once upon a time I auditioned for?" He speeds through the words and I nod my head in confusion. "Well I got the role!" He screams happily, jumping up and down like a child. I get up to jump with him, holding his hands. "Robbie that's incredible!" I squealed and pulled him in for a hug. He immediately hugged me back, his neck buried in my neck. It was the most comforting hug I ever had. "Well," Robbie smiled pulling away. "This calls for a celebration. Can I have one of those milkshakes?" He pointed to my milkshake and I giggled. "Coming right up!"

The next hour was spent dancing and drinking sugary beverages. I was starting to feel a bit wonky but I shrugged it off as me and Robbie laughed and danced off against one another (me winning obviously) when the pent up energy we had started to crash on us. "Ughhhh," Robbie groaned, falling to the couch dramatically. "I think I'm going to die if I do anymore dancing." "Oh please! One more?" I whined pulling him up as he stumbled on me, causing me to go red. "Y/n I would like to actually not die before my first acting gig." His face was serious but I could tell the corners of his mouth were slightly turning upward. "Come one Robbie. Please?" I threw my mask off my face and clasped my hands together as I hit him with my best puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes while stifling a laugh. "The ONLY reason I'm agreeing to this is because it's you asking Y/n," he muttered with an evil grin on his face, "I'll be satisfied, though, knowing I'm going to win." And audible gasp escaped my mouth as he said those words. "Is that... a dance challenge I hear from Robbie Kay?" I bop his nose and I turn on the just dance we'll be doing. He looks at the screen and sighs, "This song Y/n? You listen to this everyday, sometimes on repeat!" "That's the point Robbie," I smirk as I press start and take position, "I need to do a song I KNOW I'll be able to guarantee that I can beat you at. And this is that song."

Robbie's POV:

The music blared in my ears and I was sweaty, hot, and a bit uncomfortable. But I was blissful, joyous even. My eyes are focused on the screen by my thoughts are only about Y/n. She's bouncing along with the beat and she looks concentrated, her face strain and eyes glued to the screen. But her face was still beautiful, her smile still peeking out and the glow from her eyes twinkling and her Y/h/c hair was tied up and it still looked great. I was going to tell her that I loved her today but I kinda chickened out. Our other friends told me there's no hope anymore, but in an annoying surge of confidence at 1 in the morning, I decided to drive here and tell her. I used the news of my role as an excuse but I would have told her tomorrow if I didn't come here. That didn't really matter to me, she did. But I'm not sure when I can tell her as we are doing physical activities in the middle of the night and NOT the type you enjoy at night. My thinking time is broken when the song ends and the points pop up on the TV.

"Yesss," Y/n's sweet voice screams, "I won, let's go! Told you I would win with this song," her face is the pure definition of happiness and she looks stunning. I fight the urge to kiss her and instead choose to pat her back and give her a tired grin. "Good job Y/n, you won. Happy?" She gives me a look as I flop down once again on the couch. Her face is a bit worrisome but it slowly morphs into understanding. "Actually yes,"she whispers," I'm not happy." My eyes widen a bit and I stand up to hold onto her shoulders. It's just instinct but it feels different now. It's like I can almost see Y/n's heart beating faster and faster and her face is slightly flushed. My own body seems to mirror hers as I feel my own face warm up. "I deserve a prize, because I won," her voice cuts through the comfortable silence. I chuckle slightly. "What, you want another milkshake?" She smiles weakly at me and she comes closer to me, our noses almost touching, "That's not what I really had in mind," she says in an barely audible voice before her lips connect to mine.

I'm shocked by the sudden warmth on my lips for a second but immediately start kissing her back. She tastes as sweet as she is and her lips are plump and perfectly mold into mine. Her hands reach my hair slightly tugging at it. That gets a moan out of me as she smirks against me and slips her tongue in. My arms snake around her waist and I hold her like my life depends on it and I pull her closer to me as the kiss deepens. It's sweet and passionate and fiery and it just makes me love her more. I stumbled back a little as we both fell onto the couch and broke the kiss in a little gasp. I look into her eyes and she looks into mine and we just stare at each other for a minute. "I... love you," the words escape my mouth and her eyes widen as her face splits into a grin. "I love you too Robbie."

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