Fist Fight - P.P

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Written by: PeterPansicle

Y/N's POV:

The cold air whipped at my h/c h/l hair making it fly around, annoyingly. The grip of the thing on my arm never faltered as it went impossibly faster in the starry sky.

I think I blacked out because when I 'woke up' the thing was gone and it was no longer dark, it was obnoxiously sunny and the sun was right in my eyes, making me need to squint to look around to see where I was. I sat up and moved my hand, noticing I was sat on sand.

A beach maybe?  Yup. I turned my head to the left, a greenish-blue ocean clear as anything I've ever seen, sat glistening under the sunlight. "Shit.." I gaped at the sight, it was gorgeous.

I turned my head back and to my right, a ridiculously gloomy jungle, a few coloured flowers of some sort littering the outskirts. The jungle's trees were huge, probably about 30ft in height, intimidating my small self.

It suddenly dawned on me that I might not be alone here, even worse if I was because I have no idea where 'here' is.

My panic heightening as I heard a whistle from behind me, and the shuffling of feet. I turned around and my face dropped as I saw 5 figures, all well-built with hooded faces. One of the boys stepped forward, his face coming more into view, a slightly intimidating scar across his face.

"Who.. Who are you?" I mustered up the courage to speak, causing a low chuckle to come from each of the boys, except the one in front.

"I'm Felix. Welcome to Neverland" He smirked as my face contorted in confusion. "Neverland? As in the fairy tale for kids? You're mad! Leave me alone!" My voice trembled as I stepped back, Felix chuckled this time, 

"But Pan's so desperate to meet you. A new lost one is always exciting." He smirked at me, he freaking smirked at me. I wanted to say something like 'who do you think you are!?' but my fear wouldn't let me, instead I did what any sane person would do in this situation; 

I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs would take me, into the dense jungle. It was getting gradually darker and my fear of the dark really wasn't favoured right now.

My foot got caught in some.. rope? causing me to topple over. Not even 5 seconds later I was being dragged into the air by my leg, I let out a screech at the sudden movement.

I was left hanging upside down for what felt like hours, which realistically was only 2 minutes. A non-hooded, shorter figure, I think, walked out of a literal tree.. or am I tripping?

My vision must be mucked up due to the darkness. I couldn't see a damn thing. So when something grabbed my leg from behind me I screamed, kicking with my leg that wasn't attacked with rope.

The thing behind me laughed, laughed, and laughed some more. "Are you done yet?" I tried to sound annoyed, but my fear taking over. "Sure. What's your name child?" The thing spoke, was it human?

"Y/n. My names y/n. and you..?" I spoke hesitantly, going against all my instincts to stay. Silent. 

"Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan." I rolled my eyes, although probably no one could see it. "And I'm fucking tinker bell. Who are you really?" I had no fear that time I spoke, I was done playing pretend.

"Call me Pan." Was all that was said before.. darkness.

~Peter Pan's Pov~

The way their body fell limp from it's previous state of being tense amused me. 

I grabbed my dagger from my belt and cut the rope holding them upside down, catching them strategically.

I flung them over my shoulder and began the walk to camp, easily navigating the dark jungle, the boys following not far behind. 

They began to wake up 3/4 of the way there, probably out of the fear of what we'd do to them, which is nothing until they're conscious.

I trudged into camp, walking over to where Felix was now sat. I dropped them on the floor roughly, causing them to jolt awake.

"Morning sunshine" I smirked down at their confused yet scared features. "What?" They looked up at me, visibly shaken up about their situation.

"You don't remember?" Felix spoke now, catching their attention. Something about him must've caused them to remember the events that happened prior to their knockout. They jolted back, away from us.

"What do you want from me?" They spoke cautiously, smart kid. "Hmm.. depends. What can you give?" Their face changed to another of confusion

"Huh..?" The confusion on their face was amusing at this point. 

"How about a Fist Fight to see how strong you are? Hm?" I smirked down at them as I was stood and they wasn't.

"Who even are you?? Honestly this time. No Peter Pan bullshit." They hissed out, bold.

"There's no bullshit. I'm Peter Pan, love. And you're y/n." Their eyes darkened 

"If you're Peter Pan then I'm tinkerbell, obviously." They spoke with such sarcasm, it amused me, but I have a reputation to keep.

~Y/N Pov~ 

He punched me round the face, for some reason it shocked me, even though I'd expected it. A few murmurs came from the boys around camp, those watching.

My eyes darkened and I stood up. 

"You wanna be like that? Fine." I hissed out before proceeding to punch him in the face.

The boys now surrounding us whistled, prompting me to continue. 

I tackled him, straddling him before sending more punches to his face. 

He was smirking at me the whole time, dirty fuck. 

I didn't stop though, I kept punching. His blood covering my fists and his smirk gone. He grabbed my wrists and switched our positions, it quickly dawning on me of what he and his boys could do to me.

He proceeded to punch my face, I let out a groan of pain before clawing at his face at an attempt to stop him, it obviously failed. Blood was trickling down his face and throat from my previous attack, fuelling my pride before I realised my world was going dark.

ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! Hello! Pansicle here hehehehehehehehehe

I’m an awkward duck leave me alone

First imagine 👀 see now i didn’t like it but the author does so do yous-?

If you want to check out my acc you can I’m writing a story rn (on hiatus currently for a bit due to personal shit) but it’s fun so far 😋


Have a great day/night/evening/afternoon yk yk

Cya in my next imagine or on my story 😌

Lmfao i have issues

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