Lights, Camera, Action! - R.K

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"And cut! Lunchtime folks!" The director yelled out. I exhaled as the atmosphere immediately felt less tense. I got up from the prop log and walked to the food table. I was starving after the long shoot today. I was an actress in the hit tv show Once upon a time, and I loved my job. I made so many new friends and met some great people and actors. I got to showcase my talent and prove to people I can really act. I even had fans! It was a dream come true. And the best part of it was Robbie. Robbie was my costar since my character was his love interest and he'd grown to be one of my best friends. I'd only known him for 6 months at this point but it feels as if we've been friends our whole life. He was sweet and funny, and always made me feel happy. I also had a crush on him, which made working with him slightly more exhilarating. "Hey y/n!" He said coming up to me with a toothy grin. "Hey Robbie, I thought you were taking a nap?" I quipped. Robbie was never this energetic after naps or sleep in general. "Well," he responded smirking, "if you can remember today is a pretty important filming day." Oh shit he was right. Today we were filming the scene where my character, Kitty (she was the Cheshire cat in this y'all) would be confessing her love to Pan and an... oh. An intense kiss scene was the product of that. I was already weak in my knees for Robbie and now I was kissing him. I need to keep it strictly professional even if I'm dying inside. If Robbie doesn't like me like that then it would ruin our friendship. And if that happe- "Y/n? You're spacing out." Robbie waved his hand over my face. I snapped up, blushing madly. Robbie looked at me with a curious expression, staring deeply into my eyes at first, then looking down. "What are you looking at dingus?" I asked him playfully, shoving his arm slightly. "Just looking at the lips I'm going to kiss in a few minutes." He said nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes at him even though my insides were melting as we walked to set together.

~~Time skips to mid-scene~~

"But I love you Pan!" I exploded, my mind fully concentrated on the scene and not forgetting my dialogue. We're on set right now and the heat from the bright lights are getting to me. The fake tears start rolling as I cross my arms looking up at Robbie. He stared at me, looking shocked and needy like he was supposed to. Damn it, I am melting, both inside and outside. I can barely see his face due to the blinding studio lights. "But you've just been too daft to see it." This is it. The big moment. In a few seconds Robbie would turn me around and kiss me. Goddamn it's hot. And I can barely focus anymore. I turn around, a little too fast and the world starts spinning. I feel a whooshy feeling of some sort as my eyes close, the last thing I see being Robbie's terrified, sad face screaming out my name.

~~Time skip again teehee~~

Everything around me is blurry and I feel lightheaded. My eyes stare at the ceiling ahead of me as I try to comprehend where I am and what I'm doing with my life. When it finally clicks that I just fainted before I kissed my crush I sit up straight on the couch which is in my trailer. "Y/n?" A voice calls out from my trailer door. "Robbie? Is that you?" I speak, my voice soft and quiet. He looks at me with relief in his eyes. "Oh thank God, you're okay!" He looks at me with his twinkling eyes and proceeds to tackle me in a bear hug. His arms wrap around me and I exhale into him. This is just what I needed. But, wait- "How long have I been out?" I ask him frowning, pulling away from his body a bit. "What happened?" He sighs, resting his head on my shoulder, causing my stomach to do gold winning Olympic backflips. "Well, you passed out due to the heat from the lights during our scene. Not to mention you've been working so hard since morning so I think it was the stress getting to you. You passed out mid scene and you've been asleep for 3 hours. We just let you sleep since everyone wanted to make sure you were healthy and safe." He had a sheepish expression on his face as he pulled away to look into my eyes. "I uh... I sorta cried cause I thought something really bad happened to you." He muttered. I looked at him with shock and started giggling. Why would he be worried about that? "It's not funny," he grumbles crossing his arms and looking down at the bed. "If anything happens to you y/n, I-I don't know what I would do without you." I stop giggling and stare at him. What does that mean? Does he like me back? I am SO confused. He grabs both my shoulders and stares at me, his eyes piercing mine and my face heating up. Neither of us say anything for a few minutes. We sit in the silence until I decide to speak up. It's now or never. I might screw up our friendship but if Robbie loves me back I have to let him know how I feel. "Robbie, I... love you. A lot." His eyes widen and his face grows pink. He tries to say something but nothing comes out of his mouth. Oh God, what have I done? I knew he didn't like me back. "You don't have to say anything, it's fine if you don't feel tha-" his lips smash into mine as my eyes blink shut in surprise. He holds me closer to him as we kiss. His lips are soft and fit perfectly with mine. Forget fireworks, bombs are exploding in my stomach as the kiss deepens. We finally pull away, breathless and Robbie rests his forehead on mine. "I love you too y/n. I love you so much. I was so worried that something bad was happening to you and I regretted not saying anything to you." he whispers into my ear, causing me to blush madly looking like a tomato. I'm grinning from ear to ear as I look at him, his perfectly fluffy hair, his beautiful ocean blue eyes that seem to turn into forest green, his breathtaking smile and my heart explodes. I love Robbie. And Robbie loves me.

Hey guys, sorry this one is a little late. Please comment and give requests to what povs y'all want. Also, check out my longform Peter x Y/n story Im making right now. I update once or twice a week and thank you to everyone who has read my imagines. It is greatly appreciated!

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