Watching Peter Pan - P.P

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Y/n's POV:

"Come on Peter, it'll be fun! You've already worked so hard today, you deserve to relax a bit," I whined to Peter on the bed of our hotel room. We had been staying in the world without magic for sometime because Peter needed a vacation. He claimed this trip was going to be a proper time of relaxation for him, but all day he had been rounding up new lost boys and he needed to rewind. And watching old Disney movies from my childhood was the perfect way to do just that.

I jumped down on the lush, fitted bed in the hotel room we had snuck into. I had insisted on the proper vacation experience and when I mentioned we would get a whole room to ourselves, he immediately jumped to the idea. "Ok ok just let me take a shower real quick." He walked away into the bathroom and I familiarized myself with the sheets, seeing as we normally slept with hard bed on our backs. This, if anything, was like rolling around on a king's bed and I was going to take it all in.

I rolled around in the bed some more, my y/h/c hair covering my face as I thought about Peter. I wasn't too sure what we were. I mean, we cared deeply for each other but don't all best friends do? And we had never really shared if we had feelings for each other but we cuddled, confided, and cared for each other. I've loved him since I met him but I would never tell him. We had such a good friendship as is and I would never want to complicate it. Ugh, this topic makes me nervous. I stop breathing into the comfy sheets as I reach for the remote but it is annoyingly one inch away. I groan as I stretch just a bit farther to get it when Poof, it's not there anymore.

"Looking for this Y/n?" A smug, British voice whispers on my ear. My breath hitched a bit but I covered it with a smirk as I turned around, "Pan, you know you can never sca-" HOLY SHEESH KABAAB HE'S NOT WEARING A SHIRT. I am currently inches away from his face, my mouth open to the flies while I eye him up and down. He's not super duper buff like a gymbro but he does have abs, probably from the amount of work we do back in Neverland. His face is currently grinning ear to ear at my bewilderment when he chuckles and sinks into the bed next to me, his arms just grazing mine. It sends butterflies straight to my core but not a hint of it is allowed to be seen on my face.

"Cat got your tongue love?" Peter asks with an innocent look on his face. It takes me a minute to register what he says as I sit up straight and clear my throat, "Uh, erm n-no way Pan, I'm fine," I'm smiling weakly at him. Sheesh my argument is NOT convincing at all. I have to hold back a smile when he scooches closer towards me. He really needs to stop being so cute. "Now, which one of these sickening movies are we watching." He asks with an eyeroll. "Oh how dare you call my childhood 'sickening'?" I fake gasp and drop my head like I'm dead on the headboard of the bed. Peter chortles and I realize the golden opportunity in front of me. I know just the movie we can watch.

"You know Pan, just for saying that," I pause for dramatic effect as I feel his eyes dart towards me,"we are going to be watching Peter Pan." I give him an evil grin as the smirk slowly slips off of Peter's face. "There's a movie about me?" he asks, now with a curious look on his face as he leans in for the answer, making me blush a bit. "Oh sure," I giggle, "and it has all our friends took, like dear old Wendy Darling and Captain Hook and even Tinkerbell." I reach up and snatch the remote from his hands and he lets go of it, his face scrunching up in judgement. "Ok... we can watch it." he says warily and I click the TV on.

Guys there is going to be a part 2 coming up for this so I hope you like this POV!

Peter Pan/ Robbie Kay Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن