"G-game? I thought we lost the gold game" Pope asked in confusion.

Eleanor shrugged "Yeah, well, we're in overtime now. Now I gotta go but I'll be right back" She blew Kie a kiss and the girl couldn't help but smile before Eleanor rushed off in the search of Sarah. And while in search for the blonde she ran into JJ.

"El just the person I've been looking for. I got a, uh, note from Vlad" He whispered, passing her the note quickly.

"From Vlad?" She smiled.

"Yeah. Okay, read the note" He winked at her before walking away.


Eleanor smiled at his messy handwriting and made sure no one was watching before she walked off in the direction of the bag drop "Vlad" She whispered to get his attention.

John B turned around in awe at the sight of her in that navy blue dress with a slit down the right leg "Wow. Erm. . ." He let out a low chuckle "You look, erm. . .beautiful"

"You think?" She asked with a smile before rushing into his arms as they hugged tightly. They then pulled away from each other after a good five minutes "So that phone call earlier about us being back in the G-game? You found it?"

"Yeah and you're not gonna believe where it is" He said as his smiled widened.

"Where?" Eleanor asked with a smile that matched his "It's at Tannyhill. I got the letter translated and there was this coded message and I need a plat map. Sarah has one in her dads office, it's like a blueprint of Tannyhill. It's got all the information on it and if we get it, we can find the gold-"

Her hands came up to rest on his cheeks as he finally stopped his rambling "JB I know what a plat map is okay? Don't worry I'll tell Sarah"

"Eleanor is that you?" A voice made her pull away from John B and push him down on his knees so the person who had shouted couldn't see who it was.

"Tell Sarah to meet us at the hawks nest at midnight. Bring the map" John B whispered as he crawled away. She saluted him before walking over to the voice that belonged to no other than Sarah Cameron.

"Hey!" The girl smiled at her, handing her a glass of god knows what "I got you a drink now was that John B you were standing with or was I just seeing things?"

"Okay yes it was John B but it's not what you think. JB found the gold so he needs the plat map from your dads office, then meet us at the hawks nest at midnight. You okay with that?"

Sarah quickly nodded "Y-yeah I will but he found the gold? Omg El that's amazing!"

"I know" The two girls smiled as they quickly hugged each other "Now let's get out of here before someone asks what we're doing"


Sarah was now dancing with her dad while Eleanor was with Leon. It was nice actually until JJ came out with security right behind him "Look, look man I can walk myself I got legs. Can you see that, brother? I really appreciate what you did back there. Let me just walk out by myself"

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