Part 4 - Why is FSB the way she is?

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The next morning, Announcer got up and looked at Leafy SB and Flower SB again.

"They are on the floor. They must have tackled each other down."

Announcer sighed and readied himself for the next day of the trip.

He changed into a black t-shirt and put a sweater vest over it.

He put on gray sweatpants with blue patches on the knees.

Then he put on blue knee socks.

He brushed his speaker teeth.


Then he put his pajamas into a basket to wash them at the end of the trip. He had plenty more pajamas, so he wouldn't have to worry.

After that, Announcer decided to wake up the Algebraliens.

He headed into the motel room where they were staying.

As he headed to the room, Announcer thought about the weird way that the place was built - not like any motel he'd ever been to. He sure as heck knew it wasn't an Earth thing. If it was, the place would be a HOTEL. And he had seen plenty of Earth hotels. They weren't that different from his home planet.

All thinking aside, Announcer entered the Algebraliens' room and carefully shook each Algebralien gently.

X woke up first.

"Morning, Announcer!" they said as they got out of their bed to get dressed.

"Good morning, X."

"Can I tell you a little about my dream before I get ready?" X replied as he stopped at the bathroom door.

"Go ahead."

"Okay. So I had this strange dream that Flower Speaker Box got turned into a monster, like an eldritch horror, and I had to recruit 2,763 Yoyleland flags to stop her. Then she became water after being defeated. After that, she screamed... 'LEAFY SPEAKER BOX! WHERE'S MY MAKEUP?!' A lot else happened, but I don't remember much of it."

"Oh, okay. Now, feel free to get ready while I wake everyone else up."

"Alright, Speaker Thing!"

"I really have to make a name tag."

After X began getting ready, Announcer shook the rest of the Algebraliens awake, less gentle, but still pretty gentle.

Six woke up, then Two, then Four.

Then Announcer went to wake up the speaker boxes.


"I can't believe that we're not going out right now!" said Six. "Imagine all the adventures that we'll be able to have!"

"Well, save that for when we're done getting ready!" Two replied, a little tense, and one could tell by their tone.

"Sorry, Two."

"It's okay, Six. Just be patient."

"I'll try."

"That's good to know," said Four.

After X had gotten dressed, the other three Algebraliens got dressed in their respective outfits.

They got ready for the next part of the trip.


Waking Flower Speaker Box - even getting Leafy Speaker Box to wake her up - was a bother.

Announcer poked her a few times.

"No... not getting... up..." Flower SB mumbled.

Announcer punched her.

"OW... ow... oW... ZZZZZZZzzzzzz..."

"It's no use," said Leafy Speaker Box.

"Be quiet," said Announcer. "I got this."

He crouched so that he was near Flower SB, then whispered...

"The floor is dirty and you're sleeping on it."

Those must've been the magic words, because Flower SB got up immediately after that.


"Works like a charm," Announcer whispered.

"You sure?" Leafy SB whispered back.

"Yes. Now while she's going crazy, drag her into the car."


Announcer then left the motel room and went to the Algebraliens' motel room.

"Make sure that all of you are ready. We'll be going in a little bit."

"We all are ready, Dad!" Four replied.

"That's good. Now, we're not 'leaving leaving' the motel. We're just leaving temporarily and figuring out our next destination. We will only check out if the destination is too far away."

"Understood," X said.

"Alright. Now, let's get to the car."


After everyone got into the car, they voted on where to go, but Flower Speaker Box insisted - no, DEMANDED that they all go to the mall.

"Alright. FINE." the Announcer said reluctantly. Then he mumbled
"You think you're so superior."




"Did. I. Stutter."

Flower SB went on back and forth about Announcer, and while those two were caught up in whatever, Four showed their friends a game from their phone. Leafy SB wished to see as well, but she didn't address it.

Eventually, after a while of driving and front seat conflict, everyone finally reached the mall. Perfect timing.

Now that they were there, Flower Speaker Box could be satisfied, and nothing could go wrong.



A/N: The travel and destinations may each take one or two parts to complete, depending on how long the story is/becomes while writing.

And I will use a wheel to decide destination order.

See ya!

Word total: 800

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