Fifteen. The Tale of Two Princesses

Start from the beginning

"I wanna know more about you," I pressed. "Don't you want to get to know me?"

"No, not really," he said, taking a drag from his soda.

I felt myself instantly deflate at his statement. I lowered my eyes and stared at my food. My face, along with the rest of my body, heated up in embarrassment.

I couldn't help but become extremely bothered by the fact that he didn't want to get to know me. I knew I wasn't one of the most exciting people to be around, but with the all the hints and partner like activities that happened throughout the day I thought we were on the road to becoming friends. He did say to work for it. So how was I supposed to do that if he pulled back?

I traced my finger along my cast and tried for a look of nonchalance which I guess didn't work because Aidan let out a sigh before retracting his statement.

"Demi, I didn't mean it like that," he started.

I shrugged, not answering.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "It came out harsher than I intended."

Another shrug.

"I do want to get to know you," he insisted, leaning forward on his arms that were resting on the table. "Let's play the twenty questions game."

I looked up, smiling brightly. "Really? Awesome! You're the best, Aid! Can I call you Aid?"


"I'm gonna call you Aid," I sat back and sipped my water. "Did you want to start?"

"Sure," he paused for a moment. "What's your favorite color?"

I rolled my eyes. "What's my favorite color? Really? What a waste of a question."

"It's not a waste," he argued. "I want to know."

"Pink and black," I said.

"I'm sorry, did I misspeak? I thought I said color without the plural."

"I can't say one without the other," I explained. "Pink and black go together for me like peanut butter and jelly goes together for the rest of the world."

"Alright, fine. Your turn."

Aidan looked a bit wary when he said it was my turn to ask something. As if he was nervous about what it was I would want answers about. I decided to start with a simple question to ease some of his nerves.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Didn't you just say that's a waste of question?" He scoffed, but nevertheless looked relieved.

"I feel we should start light," I explained.

"My favorite color is brown," he said.

I raised my eyebrows. "Brown? Really?"


"Can I ask why?"

"You could, but keep in mind that would be your second question."

I forced myself not to pout and shrugged instead, spearing my lettuce with my plastic fork. "Another time then. Your turn."

He thought for a moment. "Okay, what's the craziest thing you've ever done to date? Now, I know there might be a lot, but just the number one."

"Very funny," I said drily. "The craziest thing I've done to date...," I trailed off in thought. "Well, one time I, er," I pursed my lips. "I ran down the street at night with my top off."

Aidan snorted into his drink and coughed loudly as he shook with laughter. "You what?"

"It was one time!" I said, immediately on the defense. "I was drunk out of my mind, so I can't even be held accountable for that."

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