Chapter 2 : The meeting with a wolf and his sheep

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This day, Hiro and Viktor had about 20 years old. The years made them mature, they become ingenious and known better how to survive.

They managed to gain weight by eating better, to create themselves better clothes, to heal themselves better, but even more, to steal better. 
Of course, they didn't have a coin and no way to obtain things legally. They then became excellent pickpockets.

Viktor was walking down the town, more precisely in a park where he was used to going. It was a place that gave him a certain serenity. He enjoyed the different species that were living in, if they were both animal or vegetal.

We were at the middle of the school year, the heat of summer could be felt, and the sun was hitting between the green leaves. The path was enlightened with a hot yellow color. A light breeze passed, as Viktor was walking, making his cane resonate on the passage.

As he was walking, a noise was making himself more and more clear.

" Cries ? "

He came to the source, walkers ignoring this living in distress while Viktor was observing from behind.

It was a teenager. She had a body underweight compared to the average, a tired looking face with significant dark circles.
She seemed to try to calm down her cries, but nothing worked. And, the walkers, were looking at her with a contemptuous expression. Her cries were like a disturbance for those persons.

Seeing this, Viktor calmly came towards the girl. He sat down next to her and said a small, "Good afternoon. ", which made her to turn head towards her interlocutor.

She seemed disoriented and a bit frightened.

Viktor tried to show her a warm smile to reassure her and started talking to her.

Faced with this attention, the young girl trusted him and confided to him.
The people around them were no longer important.

This moment was worthy of eternity.

The warmth of the season, the light of the sun, the sweet words of a man, coming from the alleys, pale skin, emerald eyes, the liquid pearls which fade away on a frail face.

This moment stayed engraved forever on the memories of those two livings.

" Dust. "
" Nice to meet you, my name is Viktor. "

" Viktor. "

Chinmoku's Tragedy (VOLUME 1) English adaptationWhere stories live. Discover now