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Exiting the bank, Kaede runs down the steps, making his way over to his motorcycle. He was silently thankful for being dismissed for the day, since he had so many errands to catch up with. Sector Seven made it so that he barely had a life. The trade off for interacting with the Autobots. Which he didn't mind that much. Getting on his motorcycle, he makes his way down the San Francisco streets.

When he sees a police car beginning to tail him from behind, Kaede sighs, dropping his head in annoyance.

"Fuck," Kaede says to himself. The police car doesn't turn on its lights, which confuses Kaede for a moment but as Kaede continues to turn down streets, the police car still continues to follow them. "Don't tell me this is a Decepticon..." Kaede groans to himself. He turns off the road and into a closed off underpass, the police car continues to tail him. Kaede weaves through the junk, hoping the Decepticon gets stuck or falls behind. With the Decepticon still close behind, Kaede speeds forward, going down to the outskirts of San Francisco area. As he rides, he calls the Autobots on his comm. link. "Anybody answering? It's Kaede, I'm being chased by a Decepticon. I'm heading towards Fremont area. I need backup."

On my way. Optimus' voice comes through. Kaede makes his way into an abandoned warehouse as soon as he hits the industrial district. He speeds his way through the warehouse, the Decepticon hot on his tail. The sound of a plane growing closer and closer is heard outside before there's a loud crash through the glass. Kaede looks behind him for a brief second before he crashes into a pede, flung off of his motorcycle.

He lands onto the dirt ground with a grunt, his helmet taking most of the impact. Groaning, he turns onto his back and attempts to get up before he's grabbed by a large servo. The helmet is ripped off of his head and Kaede sees Megatron.

"Megatron," Kaede says.

"Barricade, good job on tracking down our friend here," Megatron calls out to the police car. Barricade transforms and walks off to the side, awaiting his next orders. Kaede attempts to wriggle out of Megatron's grasp.

"What do you want," Kaede growls. "The Allspark is gone, why haven't you gone home by now?!"

"If you weren't so important, I'd crush you right now," Megatron hisses. "I know the Allspark isn't destroyed. It's you," he says. Kaede's face then pales and he freezes for a moment. "And the fear in your eyes tells me that the Fallen was right." He throws Kaede down onto the ground, on a sheet of metal. A small crab like Cybertronian then hops off of Megatron's shoulder and crawls onto Kaede. "Get the information out of the boy, Scalpel. Once you're finished we can extract the Allspark and kill him." He glares at Kaede. "And when I kill you, it'll be slow, painful."

Scalpel crawls his way onto Kaede's neck, Megatron pinning him down as Kaede struggles. Scalpel takes out two sharp needles that stick straight into Kaede's temples. Kaede shouts out in pain as images then play from Scalpel, a hologram of it being screened to Megatron.

"Where is the location of the key..." Megatron says quietly as an endless stream of data is shown in front of him. Kaede grunts, pain shooting through his head as it feels like ten migraines at once. It becomes unbearable, his grunt of pain soon turning into a shout. "THERE!" Megatron says. Scalpel pauses on the coordinates of the Star Harvester's key in front of him. "Good, now... to kill you," he says, looking down to Kaede. Optimus slams through the building with a loud honk, colliding into Megatron.

With Kaede's limbs free, he rips out the needles from his temples and throws Scalpel off, getting back up. His vision is blurry but he makes his way towards Optimus who is shouting at him to get to him quickly. Optimus transforms and Kaede throws himself into him, the door shutting and Optimus peeling out of the warehouse. Megatron roars out of frustration and transforms, chasing after Optimus.

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