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Point Reyes Crater

"Ratchet, is there a reason you've asked to speak to me privately in this location?" Optimus asks, transforming into his root mode. When his optics land on Kaede sitting on Ratchet's shoulder, Optimus looks to Ratchet with confusion.

"You can save your anger, Optimus," Ratchet says. "Kaede asked that we meet in a secure location for the time being since the information he has to tell you is paramount." When Optimus gives him a look of disbelief, Ratchet sighs irritably. "It's about the Allspark."

"I thought it was destroyed," Optimus says.

"As did I, but Kaede's saying that the Allspark has taken residence in him," Ratchet says. "Obviously, we don't know enough about the Allspark but I'm assuming that something like that didn't want to be destroyed."

"And you can confirm this?" Optimus says to Kaede.

"How else would I know about the Alpha Trion protocols, or how to build a trans-spacial cylinder," Kaede replies, Optimus' optics brighten in surprise. "You mentioned how the Allspark is a cultural artefact, right?" he then says. "I think... I have access to every Cybertronian cultural and technological piece of information that was on planet."

"Which is why you have only told Ratchet and I," Optimus surmises. Kaede nods. "So there is still a way to bring Cybertron back to life," Optimus breathes, hopeful.

"Yeah, but we can't tell anyone about it," Kaede says. "I know Sector Seven's gonna want me to tell them everything I know about Cybertron but that's not my place to do that." He sighs. "Ever since I've gotten the Allspark in me, I've had... visions and terrible headaches," he says, looking up at Optimus. "Turns out having millions of years worth of information suddenly in your brain... hurts," Kaede says, giving a weak smile and laugh.

"I'm... sorry for my behaviour towards you," Optimus apologises. Ratchet hums in agreement. "I should have gotten used to things not going right. You were given a tough situation and made a split second decision that had consequences. That is something we have in common."

"Listen, if someone made the call to destroy something that could bring my planet back to life, I'd be pissed too," Kaede replies. "But I'm glad I could clear it up with you two at least," he says. "I would have been a bit miserable if you of all people hated me," Kaede says, rubbing the back of his neck. Optimus' widens his optics in surprise, a small smile quirks beneath his mask. Kaede clears his throat, feeling awkward. "ANYWAY, we should head back to base. Don't wanna stay out here for too long since there might be people trying to take photos here."

"Not very private then..." Ratchet mumbles aside.

"Hey, it's not that crowded around this time," Kaede replies. The sound of the waves crashing echo off in the distance. "Plus, I figured Optimus would appreciate being taken to the beach after all the shit he's been through," he says with a small smile.

"It was very thoughtful of you," Optimus says. His finials move back slightly in guilt. "I hope I can make it up to you for being so cold," he then says.

"It's fine," Kaede replies. "Just... be nicer to me on base so the rest of the Autobots can be nice to me too," he says. "They'll still think I've destroyed the Allspark but... I want to keep it just between us three for now. In case the Decepticons come back."

"Will you be ok? With the Allspark residing in you, we don't know the effects it would have on an organic," Optimus then asks.

"So far, any tests we've run seem to be normal, except for the heightened brain activity," Ratchet replies.

"Yeah, my head feels like it's going 100 miles per hour right now," Kaede says.

"Cade here says he'll let me know if it gets too much," Ratchet then adds. "So you have nothing to worry about. You have enough on your shoulders as is," Ratchet says to Optimus. Ratchet then transforms and begins to head out, stopping for a second. "You can head home with Optimus, I'm going back to base to get some recharge."

"O-ok," Kaede stammers. He looks up to Optimus this time after watching Ratchet leave. He's glad it's dark now, knowing his face is flushed from Ratchet's sudden departure to pair Optimus and him together. Optimus begins to walk out of the crater and heads to the edge of the beach, sitting down. Kaede follows and goes to sit beside him before he's gently grabbed by Optimus and set on his shoulder. "It's prettier when you get to see the sunset," Kaede says softly. Optimus hums in reply.

"Perhaps I wanted to see the ocean and the stars," Optimus replies. Kaede gives a small fond scoff.

"Alright, just don't fall asleep on me, big guy," Kaede says, knocking Optimus' helm with his fist. Optimus' finial flicks for a moment in response and he turns to look at Kaede who only gives him a fanged smile. 

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