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"We don't have a ceremony for you completing all this training like normal military, no bells and whistles and no one tapping you out, none of that. Sector Seven is a secret organisation that takes itself seriously," Agent Simmons, one of the senior Sector Seven agents, announces to a small handful of cadets, one among them being Kaede. Despite it being 'not a ceremony' there were still senior Sector Seven agents as well as the Autobots present for this, all watching the new cadets be turned into agents.

"All of you are now part of an organisation meant to monitor alien lifeforms, threats, whatnot, for the sake of protecting the United States and all entities surrounding it. So we're not like your Men in Black, sorry," Simmons says sarcastically. "As of today, your training ends and you are now part of the greatest organisation to ever exist! So congratulations, Agents Chase, Faireborn, Keli'i and Schloder. You four are now part of Sector Seven."

There's a round of applause from the crowd before it eventually dies down.

"Now report to your divisions, we got a big one," Simmons says, turning around and heading off. Kaede waves goodbye to his fellow agents. Agent Chip Chase and Marissa Faireborn were legacies, meaning their parents beforehand were Sector Seven agents. Clint Faireborn and Haley Chase were both well respected senior agents, now commanders, that oversaw the diplomatic communications division. Chip was part of technology and science division, Marissa being part of diplomatic communications. Schloder was placed in the search and rescue unit that Kaede's cousin Nathan was a part of. Leaving Kaede to be part of Sector Seven's NEST division, Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Taskforce. Combat driven and on the battlefield, and directly in contact with the Autobots to provide them support on the frontlines. Which is exactly what Kaede had wanted.

Now that Kaede had finally become an agent, he could start his combat medic training with Ratchet. Giddy, Kaede walks down the base to the medbay, where Ratchet is impatiently waiting for him.

"Took you long enough," Ratchet huffs.

"Sorry, doc... sir?"

"Not doc, but definitely not sir, either," Ratchet replies. "Ratchet is fine," he says. "You better be ready to learn, cus I'm going to be throwing everything I know at you about Cybertronian biology and how to aid us, which means I expect you to pay attention."

"Got it," Kaede nods.

"Your experience with fixing cars will help, hope you're not too squeamish," Ratchet then says, rummaging through some tools. "Cus this is going to be just like your planet's medical schools except to the left. I'm gonna show you how to do a diagnostic checkup as well as internal repairs. Since we haven't had any skirmishes lately that's left anyone needing immediate medical attention, we're gonna use a volunteer." Sideswipe then enters the area and gives a nervous wave to Kaede and Ratchet. "Sideswipe here's gonna let you look at his internals since this is his way of making up for not following orders. AND because he hasn't been keeping up with his checkups."

Kaede then hears a bot running fast towards the medbay, getting closer and closer before almost barging into the area.

"Heard we got a new recruit?" a masked Autobot says excitedly, his face almost covered in ash, his finials lighting up blue as he spoke. "Cus I need something fixed, doc," he says gruffly as he holds up a blown up servo.

"WHEELJACK! This is the THIRD time this week that I've had to piece your servo back together, what the frag have you been doing in that lab of yours?!" Ratchet exclaims.

"SCIENCE!" Wheeljack replies enthusiastically. "Been workin' on a new energon concoction but it's a bit explosive. Tastes pretty good though."

"You've been making DRINKS in there?" Ratchet sighs in exasperation. "And it STILL blows up in your face?"

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