Talk of the Paddock

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A week and a half passed after they said 'I love you.' It all felt real now. Charles was so utterly in love with Emilia, and he could tell her whenever he wanted. It was probably one of the best moments of his life when they had said they loved each other. He just wished he could tell his mother about it. She would be so excited - she had loved Emi so much.

Now, they were in Mexico for the Grand Prix. They left the hotel together holding hands, not caring who saw. In fact, they hoped people saw because they wanted others to know how much they loved each other.

As they drove to the track, Charles in the drivers seat and Emilia in the passenger seat, Charles's hand rested on her thigh. It was smooth and warm and the perfect place to rest his hand while he drove.

"How do you think every is going to react when they see us?" Emi asked, clearly a little anxious.

"Why, mon amour? They see us together all the time," Charles replied, flicking his gaze to look at her. God, she looked so gorgeous. Her straight blonde hair fell down her shoulders neatly, and she wore navy linen pants with a white crop shirt, with golden jewellery to tie it together. Her style was something he loved about her, it was so simple yet made her look even more beautiful. He quickly looked back to the road a moment later.

"They didn't know we were actually together! I'm scared I'm gonna get like, I don't know, yelled at if someone thinks I'm not good enough for you," she replied, her knee bouncing.

Charles laughed at that suggestion. "If someone did that to you, Em, I'd make sure they don't get to come to anymore races," he said calmly. Emi sighed.

"Yes, but still! I don't want to be attacked for being your girlfriend. Some of your fangirls are physco!" she exclaimed.

Charles laughed again, rolling his eyes. "I know. But you just need to get through this weekend, and then you'll know if everyone accepts it or not. It's not the end of the world if they don't. It doesnt change anything between us," Charles replied.

"Ugh, I guess," she huffed.

It wasn't long before they were rolling down the road leading up to the gates. Fans lined the sidewalk, calling out to them as they drove past. Charles wound his window down and waved to them as they went, not winding down Emi's incase she didn't want it. It seemed she was grateful for that because when he wound his back up, she sighed with relief.

He smiled over at her reassuringly, letting her know she wouldn't do that to her. He didn't know he did it, to be honest. Being a driver was so much work socially, and he didn't want to lay it all on Emi.

They parked the car, Charles getting out and opening her door for her. He helped Emi out, not letting her hand go when she got out and holding all the way to the paddock gates. Once he was through, he watched as she scanned her id attached to her lanyard and came through as well. Then, he was holding her hand once again.

Cameras clicked and people stared as they walked down the paddock hand in hand toward the Ferrari garages.

"Just smile and keep you head forward, mon amour," he leant over and whispered gently in her ear. He could feel her nerves radiating off of her, knowing she was anxious for the first moments of people seeing them together. But here they were, holding each others hands as they walked down the paddock. He thought she was doing well so far.

When they stepped into the Ferrari garages, she heard Emi release a big breath. He imagined that walk would have felt like a million years for her, and he was proud of her for doing it.

A moment later, Charles heard someone whistling behind him. He turned to see Carlos, staring at them with his eyebrows raised.

"Hey lovebirds," he said, waggling his eyebrows with a cheeky smirk across his face.

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