Liked By Pierre Gasly

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The next day, Emilia and Charles boarded their flight and set off to Austria. As they flew over the rest of Europe, Emi couldn't stop thinking about her - Aurora. So, so adorable and lovely, yet she had no one. Kind of like how Emi had no one. She had Charles, but it was the family aspect of 'no one' she didn't have. She didn't have any living relatives anymore, just like Aurora. Yet she was still so young. She didn't deserve it one bit.

"I miss her already", Charles said beside her as if he had been reading Emi's mind. She looked over at him, and suddenly, she found herself overwhelmed by love for him. Every time she had seen Charles with Aurora, her heart melted at how gentle and kind he was. If that was just a stranger, Emi wondered what he would be like with kids of his own.

"You were so sweet to her, Cha. I think you'd make a great father one day", Emi replied softly, earning herself a large grin from him in return.

"I think you'd make a great mother one day as well, Em", he replied. He stared into her eyes, and that's when she felt the butterfly sensation take over her stomach. 

They landed in Austria a little while later and went straight to their hotel. By the time they had checked in and gotten up to their apartment, it was sunset. They'd had a late flight, and it took them a while to get through the airport and the traffic getting to the hotel was slow, so it had taken a while to get there.

Emi flopped down on one of the beds, her eyes heavy with sleep. Flights always made her sleepy. Just as her eyes were about to close though, she heard her phone ding with a new notification. Emi sighed, picking up her phone and looking at what it was.

She was shocked when she saw a notification from Instagram saying "@PierreGasly liked your post". Her fingers flew across the screen as she opened up her phone and went onto the app. She went straight to her notifications and clicked on the most recent one - the one from Pierre. To think she was shocked when she first saw the notification was an understatement, she was now utterly stunned. The photo Pierre had like was from five years ago! It was of her, her mother and her two old dogs, Bear and Rocket. That was a clear sign he was going through her page and doing some stalking. An amazed laugh sound came from her mouth, unmeaning to do so. 

The sound must have pulled Charles' attention towards her as he came and sat next to her and asked, "What has you so surprised?" Emi turned the screen toward him so he could see. His expression dropped. Almost instantly, Emi saw Charles whip out his phone and scroll through it until he pressed something on it and held the phone to his ear. He was calling Pierre.

"Pierre. I see you have been on Instagram lately", Charles said as soon as Pierre picked up after a couple rings. Emi heard the faint sound of Pierre's laughter on the other end of the phone, and then he said something she couldn't hear.
"Mate. It's a photo from 2017. You don't just magically like a post from that long ago if you aren't going through her entire page", Charles told him.

For a while, Charles and Pierre went back and forth, until Charles finally said, "Right, ok. I'll see you tomorrow", and he hung up.

"Why'd you do that?", Emi asked when he put his phone down.

"Do what?", he asked.

"You freaked out over Pierre liking a post of mine and called him straight away", Emi replied.

"Ok, you want to know why?", Charles asked, his eyes darkening as he stared at her. Emi nodded, her heart racing a little bit at his tense gaze. "Because only I can have you Emilia Rose. No one, especially that stupid ex of yours and especially my friends", he replied.

Emi gulped as Charles wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Then, she found herself looking from his gorgeous green eyes to his lips, and she saw him do the same. The usual electric shock she got before his kiss came back to her. In that moment, it gave her more confidence, and soon, they were leaning into one another and letting their lips dance across each other's. Every second, the kiss became deeper, more passionate. 

Charles gripped her waist with one hand and cupped her cheek with the other, his touch so warm and comforting. Emi held on to the back of his neck with one of hers and played with his soft hair with her other. At this point, their bodies were pressed up against each other's so much, not even a breath of air could pass between them.

"Em", Charles whispered against her lips, pulling her tighter against him. She almost let out a soft moan when she felt the bulge around his groin press into her body, a clear sign of his arousal. And then, an aching wave of desperation passed through her, coming from between her thighs. She had never felt this turned on by any man. So why did she feel this way when it came to him - Charles, her best friend since babies, someone she thought she'd never even think of in this way.

Soon, the desperation got too much, and all of a sudden, she found herself reaching for the top button his shirt and undoing it. As soon as she did this, Charles took the hint. He sat up, pulling Emi on top of him and began to lift up her shirt. She breathed out heavily when he threw both his and her shirts on the ground next to the bed and moved his hands from her shoulders to her waist, feeling her almost bare skin.

"Are you sure? Because after this, beautiful, there's no going back", Charles asked in a whisper, looking up into her eyes.

"Yes. I'm sure", she replied, her hand placed against the back of his head and moving to plant a soft but needy kiss on his lips. 

That's all Charles needed to then unclip her bra and undo her pants, throw them to the floor and lay her on her back.

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