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Charles drove Emilia home. They talked, laughing about when they were little or what they had been doing since the last time they'd seen each other. She enjoyed it. Almost as much as she enjoyed seeing him happy, seeing him laugh, seeing him smile, seeing his bright green eyes light up. His beautiful, bright smile and his beautiful, bright eyes. Her favourite parts of him. Some of the only things that hadn't changed since they were young. She loved it.

The sound of the Ferrari vibrated off the houses as they got into her street, just away from the city of Barcelona. It was dark now, at least 7:30. Her mama had gone out, so when Emilia got home, she'd probably just collapse onto her bed and go to sleep.

Charles slowed the car down as they rounded the last sweeping bend of the street until they got to her house. When they finally stopped outside her house, Charles quickly got out, and the next thing she knew, he was opening her door. Emi's cheeks flushed red as he held his hand out and helped her up onto the neatly mowed lawn.
"Thank you", she said in a tiny voice when he shut the door again.
"Anything for you, Emi", he replied, walking with her until they reached her door. Emi reached into her bag, that hung by her side, and pulled out her house keys. Just as she reached to unlock the door, she heard footsteps coming up the pathway.

Her heart jumped, and she turned to see the 6'4 figure standing behind them, mouth dropped open and eyes glassy.
"What's he doing here, Emi?", he asked, his voice low and pouring emotion she'd never seen from him before.
"I was just-", Charles started.
"I didn't ask you, mate. She can speak for herself", Harvey interrupted him, his American accent not blending right with Emi's and Charles' European ones.

Emilia's heart dropped. She didn't want to put up with this right now. Harvey knew she was going with Charles, yet here he was, talking to her best friend like a piece of shit.

"He was dropping me off, hun. You knew that", Emilia replied to him, an annoyed tone to her voice. It made Harvey wince.
"I don't care if I knew, Em. What did I say?", his voice became irritated, and he flung his hand to the side. She didn't even flinch at him.

Emi turned to Charles, who stood to the side with a hard expression as he looked toward Harvey. His face softened when he looked at her. It made her heart tighten.
"You should go, Charles. I'll see you tomorrow, ok? Pick me up again?", she whispered to him. Charles shook his head as he tried to regain his focus.
"Yea, of course, Emi. Always. I'll see you tomorrow", he replied, touching the side of her arm quickly and retrieving to his car. Her arm tingled where he touched, even after she watched him leave and she could no longer see the lights of his car.

"I think he's gone, Emi. You don't have to keep staring like he's going to come back", Harvey scoffed. Emilia had never heard her boyfriend scoff, so she was shocked when it happened.
"I told you not to hang out with him, didn't I?", he asked, his voice questioning.

"I don't care what you asked me to do, Harvey. He's my best friend! Get over it!", she said angrily, quickly trying to unlock the house with the keys. He grabbed her arm, swiping it away from the lock. She stared at him for a moment, her eyes wide. Then she quickly reached for the lock again, unlocking it quickly and hurrying into the house. Harvey followed her, slamming the door shut behind him.

"You need to listen to me! You can't hang out with him ever again!", he shouted, following Emilia to her room.
"I don't give a shit! Now get out!", she shouted back.
Harvey's eyes went firey, and suddenly, he came up to her and pushed her against the wall, pinning her hands in the air so she couldn't fight him with them. She didn't back down, though. She stood tall, and stared daggers straight back at him.

"Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that again", he spat, his voice low and furious. Emilia had never seen him like this before. It scared her a little bit, but she refused to show it.

"I'll do whatever I want. You don't control me", she replied, her voice equally as low. His hands gripped tighter onto her wrists that were pinned above her head, and it felt like they were getting crushed.
"You're just jealous, Harvey", she whispered, venom in her voice.

A loud whack sounded, and Emilia was suddenly doubled over on the floor, holding her face. Harvey pulled her back up onto her feet again, pinning her against the wall. A large, red, painful-looking handprint was engraved into her pretty petite face.

"Don't you ever fucking say that again! You here me?!", he shouted in her face. She stared straight back at him, her face blank but her eyes with fire behind them.

Harvey put his hands up to her throat, pressing down and starting to watch her struggle.
"I said do you here me?", he asked again, his voice dangerous. Emilia struggled against the force against her throat that took away her ability to breathe. She was struggling.

After a few moments, she finally nodded her head frantically, tapping her fingers against his arm. He let her go, tossing to the ground and leaving her to regain her breath. 

Harvey stood in the doorway of her room, staring down at her with a dismayed look on his face.
"Don't ever let me see you with him again", he spat. Then he left, and a loud slam a moment later meant he'd left the house.

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