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"You did so well yesterday, Cha," Emi said, her voice sweet and intoxicating, making Charles want to here her talk forever.

"All because of you, beautiful," he replied, squeezing her hand as they walked out of the elevator, suitcases in tow, and walking into the small hall. They briefly walked toward the familiar double doors of their apartment, hand in hand with bright smiles on their faces. 

Charles took the key out of his pocket, quickly inserting it into the lock and turning until the door was swinging out in front of them, inviting them back inside their home. Quickly, Charles glanced back at Emilia behind him, the gorgeous girl he called his girlfriend with a small grin on her face.

As they walked into the apartment, Emi closing the front door behind them, Charles pushed his bags aside and turned to look at her. She stood a few paces away from him, her blonde hair flowing around her messily, her posture slightly more relaxed now that they were alone and at home, but she looked weak. She looked frailer than he had thought, her eyes more tired than he had seen before. How had he missed this about her? He usually noticed everything. Then his mind went back to a week ago, when she was in hospital, and then all the memories between then and now reappeared in his mind. Her not eating much, hearing her tossing and turning at night, how she seemed...not herself. 

The high from his win the day before began to wear off as he realized just how much he hadn't noticed of Emi; what condition she was in. Guilt set itself into his stomach, and rightfully so, he thought.

"Em...I'm sorry," he whispered, and he saw the edges of her eyes crinkle.

"Why Cha? You haven't done anyth-" she began but then he saw her body freeze up, her mouth hanging open mid-talk. Emilia's eyes went wide, desperate, scared as she stared at something past his shoulder, and he instantly whipped his head around to see what it was.

His heart dropped as he gazed a upon a bouquet of white roses with a card beside it. Glancing more carefully at the writing, he could see what it said.

My last little surprise, mi amor,
before I get to see you again!
I look forward to that moment.
I'll see you soon...

Charles lunged forward for the bunch of flowers, picking them up and throwing them in the rubbish bin along with the now scrunched up card. Then, looking back, his heart began to ache when he saw the look of pure terror on Emi's face.

He hurried over to her, wrapping his arms around her torso and holding tightly, making sure to not let go. Charles could hear her heavy breaths in his ear, feel as she became heavier as her legs started to give way beneath her.

"He's coming to get me! I can't escape him!" she cried, hot tears spilling from her cheeks and onto his clothes, leaving a dark mark in its wake.

"Em, it's ok beautiful, jus-"

"No! No, he's coming. He's going to take me! Who knows what he is going to do to me!" she cried, refusing to hear Charles out.


"No, Charles, no! You can't do anything about it this time, ok? He has eyes everywhere, and somehow, he is going to snatch me away! I know it!" she forced through her heavy tears, her cries getting louder and more pained.

"Emilia! I will do anything - and I mean anything! - to stop that from happening. Trust me, he will not hurt you! I will keep you safe until the end of time! I would put myself in front of anything and everything to keep you safe! Do you understand?" he asked, his eyes turning stony and serious as he grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at him.

"But Cha-"

"Do you understand?" he asked again.

There was a pause before Emi simply nodded and then fell against him again, into his strong arms, a place where Charles could sense she felt safe in.

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