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The next morning, Charles woke up beside Emi. His mind still foggy with sleep, he pulled her closer to him until she was pressed against his torso. That's when he half realized she didn't have a bra on, just wearing a piece of skimpy underwear. He didn't mind though, especially after the night they had last night.

The softness and sweet smell of her hair made his senses come to life, and he finally decided to roll over and check the time. 6:32, the clock said on the bedside table. He would have to get up soon and get ready for the day. It was the first day of the race weekend - media day, or better known as Thursday.

Charles eventually rolled out of bed, brushing his teeth and having a shower and getting into his team shirt and some long cream pants. When he exited the bathroom, he then had to get Emi out of bed too. Finally, she went for a shower while Charles went down to a neighbouring cafe and got them some breakfast and hot drinks - coffee for Charles, and hot chocolate for Emi, since she didn't like the taste of coffee. Upon his arrival, he was met with a beautiful, smiling Emi waiting for him in an airy white linen dress with spaghetti straps.

"Thank you", she smiled when Charles handed her the drink and a freshly baked breakfast muffin.

After they had finished their breakfast, Charles and Emi went down to the car and set off for the track. It didn't take them long to get there, and even though Thursday wasn't a crowd day, fans still hung about the entrance to see them drive past. Charles smiled and waved to the squealing crowd of people, and in the corner of his eye, he saw Emi smiling too. It brought him a small sense of happiness to see her embracing his world of racing and fame.

Charles parked the car up close to the entrance, and soon, they were walking through the gates and into the paddock. There was still the atmosphere of excitement around the paddock, but it wouldn't peak until the crowds started arriving on Friday, so Charles like to enjoy Thursdays while they lasted.

"Hey man, how are you?", asked a voice beside them. Charles looked to see Lewis, alongside Seb and Mick.

"Oh! Hey guys. I'm good thanks, yourself?", Charles replied.

"I'm great actually", Lewis replied with a smile.

"Charles, who is this?", Seb asked, nodding toward Emi.

Charles looked over at her. She smiled back at the three men. She hadn't met them yet.

"This is Emi", Charles said with an affectionate smile.

"Nice to meet you, Emi", Mick reached over and shook her hand, a small smile on his face. For some reason, his expression toward her made a pang of jealousy make it's way through Charles' body.

They talked for a moment, and just like always, Emi joined in happily and comfortably, embracing meeting new people.
"Sorry, but we have to run now. Nice to see you guys", Seb said, giving them a wave as they walked off down the paddock.

Charles and Emi once again started walking, set on going to the Ferrari garages.

"Charles! Emi! Over here!", someone suddenly called. Charles turned to see his group of friends all standing around together. Pierre, Carlos, Lando, Daniel, Max and Yuki stared back at him, willing him to come over. After a moment, Charles finally did so, with Emi trialing behind.

"Goodmorning everyone", Charles said.

"Hey guys", Emi waved with a smile on her face. They all smiled back at her kindly. Charles loved how she fitted in so well with his friends.

For a few minutes they all talked, but then Pierre whispered in Charles' ear.
"You seem a bit happy this morning".

Charles turned to face him, and he knew exactly what Pierre was trying to get at. He knew something - somehow. But in that moment, Charles wanted to tell him anyway.
"My goodness! You won't believe what happened last night", Charles whispered in a giddy tone.

"You two slept with each other", he said, not surprised in the least when Charles' face dropped. He actually knew. How?!
"Jeez, I owe Carlos some money", Pierre laughed. Charles' mouth dropped open.

"Pierre, what do you mean? And how do you know?", Charles asked, putting his hands to his head in exasperation.

"First of all, I just know, ok? Don't question it. Second, I made a bet with Carlos. I said you two would at least make it until the break before it happened. Carlos said he thought it would happen before", Pierre explained in a hushed tone.

Charles was stunned. It wasnt until now that the situation had fully dawned on him. Charles had had sex with Emilia.

"What the hell, Pierre! You and Carlos made a bet on my sex life?", Charles whined.

"That's a dumb question because you already know the answer", Pierre said matter-of-factly.
"Besides. You two having sex was going to happen eventually", he added, nudging Charles when he looked over at Emi, who talked to Yuki and Daniel.

"Shut up", Charles said.

"You should see how you look at her, man. All googly eyes", Pierre teased, earning a small shove from Charles.

A moment later, Charles felt the need to leave. He had to get to the garage anyways.
"Em. I need to go to the garages. Coming?", Charles whispered in her ear.

"Yep. Let's go", she replied, saying goodbye to everyone before they walked off. As they walked, Charles felt his friend's stares burning a hole in the back of his head. He quickly spun his head to look back at them, and he saw all of them smirking, Pierre even doing a small kissy face toward him.

Charles shook his head. His friends could be so immature sometimes. Then, he faced back and front of him and lead Emi into the Ferrari garages.

Forever and AlwaysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz