Phone Calls

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Charles and Emilia spent the day reading through Emi's first chosen book, cuddled up to each other as she read. It was nice - peaceful and calming and comfortable. Emi never wanted the moment to end.

But when it got to around 5pm, she shut the book, marking her place and turned to face Charles.

"Hey! We were so close to finishing. We've got like five chapters left", he complained, trying to reach for the book. Emi quickly put it out of reach, stopping him from getting it.

"Charles, its been hours! My eyes are hurting! Can we please go somewhere?", she asked, looking into the gorgeous green pools of his eyes, pleading with him. He sighed, rolling away and half off the couch.

"I mean...I've learnt that I can't say no to you, so hurry up", he replied, fully standing up now and looking down at her.

"Yesss!", she cheered, jumping up and running over to get her bag. Gathering her things, she put her phone in her back pocket and got ready to go.
"Wait, Charles. I'm going to get a sweater in case it gets cold", she said quickly, running into Charles' room and retrieving with one of her White Fox branded sweaters that she recently ordered. Just at that moment, her phone started to ring, and she pulled it out of her back pocket to look at who it was.

B, My Love <3, the caller ID said, and suddenly, a wide smile was stretched onto Emi's face. It was Bianca. Emi hadn't realised how long she hadn't talked to her until now - almost two weeks.

"Hey hermosa chica! I've missed you so much!" Bianca's smooth voice came through the phone.

"B, oh my goodness! I've missed you too! How are you?", Emi replied.

"I'm all good. But how are you? I've seen photos of you and you're Ferrari boy. How exciting!"

"Seriously, B. Didn't you once tell me not to believe everything you see? Well I think it counts for you now. Me and him aren't anything special. Just friends", Emi tried to explain to her.
But when she said that last bit - that they were just friends - it sent a guilty pang through her body. Why did she feel like that? It was true that they were only friends. They could never be more than friends. But at that moment, Emi had a feeling that there was something more. The feeling hit her like a punch in the gut.
"Anyway, what are you up to? Surely something good", Emi asked, changing the topic after a very brief pause.

"Actually, I'm going out for dinner with your mama. I think she's a bit lonely without you there all the time", Bianca said. Emi's heart sank. She hadn't really thought about what her mother was feeling, but she suddenly felt horrible for not doing so.

"Oh. That's nice. Can you tell her I love her. And that I miss her so much. And that I'll be back soon", Emi said, biting her bottom lip.

"Of course I can, Em. Anything for you. But I have to go now, ok? Have a good time, say hi to Ferrari boy for me. Behave, have fun! I miss you! I love you! Goodbye!", Bianca's voice came through the phone.

"I love you too, B. Bye", Emi said before hanging up the phone.

She put the phone back into her back pocket and walked over to were Charles was waiting by the door. He had a small smile on his face, and he held his arm out to her. When she came closer enough, Charles wrapped his arm around Emi, pulling her close to him.

"So, who was that?", Charles asked, curiosity in his voice. He slowly opened the front door and they began to walk out into the long hall.

"Bianca. She's like a big sister to me. She was Lea's best friend before, you know", Emi explained, looking up at Charles.

Charles nodded his head, not saying much more. He just kept his head forward and guided Emi though the maze of hallways.

The two walked down through the city streets until they reached the beach. The sun was starting to set over the horizon, casting a beautiful golden light over everything in it's wake. The sky was lit up with multiple different colours - pinks, purples, blues, oranges - making it look beautiful.

Unlike earlier that day, when they had went to the bookstore undercover with no one taking notice of them, they seemed to be noticed by everyone. Emi felt stares burning into the back of her as Charles still walked right beside her with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. She felt like she may as well be naked with the amount of attention she was receiving.

"Try to ignore them. Don't give them the time of day", Charles lent down and whispered in her ear. It was kind of hard to do that. Everyone they walked past - and that is every single person - would stare daggers at her for being so close to him. How was she just supposed to ignore?

They finally got to the beach after what felt like a life-time, and walked until they found a nice, quiet secluded little spot behind a bunch of rocks. They both sat, looking out and watching as the sun slowly set.

A handful of people walked past, not particularly noticing them, but giving them a kind smile as they went on their way. One in particular though stood out. That was because of the adorable little dog trotting alongside them. Emi let out a small sigh. She felt Charles' eyes on her as she watched the dog walk off into the distance with its owner.

"You know, I've always wanted a dog", Emi whispered. She saw the sides of Charles' mouth quirk up slightly at the mention.

"Oh yea. What type?", he asked.

"A golden retriever. They're just so adorable, and happy. Just perfect", she replied, smiling up at Charles.

A moments silence passed as they stared into each other's eyes. Then, Charles smiled.

"You know what? I'll get you one, one day", he whispered. Emi's face lit up and her face felted and she felt like she wanted to scream.

"What? Charles...", Emi trailed off, searching his eyes. She could only find warmth and kindness, and she thought she saw a bit of love in their too. But that couldn't be right, he didn't love her that way.

"Emi. I'd do anything for you. You say it, and you wish is my command", he said. "Promise". He held out his pinkie, and Emi did the same. Holding them together and making a pinkie promise, it felt like the moment would never end.

But it was suddenly interrupted by a ringing phone. Emi pulled her phone out, realising it was hers, and seeing a No Caller ID on the screen, she became curious. But then she saw the Spanish number, and instantly picked it up.

"Hello, is this Emilia Rose?", the lady on the other end asked with a thick Spanish accent.

"Yes, it is", she said cautiously, not knowing who the caller could be.

"It's Maria from Barcelona hospital. I regret to inform you, but you mother, Amaya Rose, and family friend, Bianca LePre, have been in a fatal accident."

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