complications during birth (requested)

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"Rosie," You groaned in agony. "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

You tried to focus on the comforting brush of her hand on your back while you squeezed her other one tightly.

But you were starting to find comfort in even that as the pain and exhaustion overwhelmed you.

It's been thirteen hours since you felt the first pain and the first sign that your baby was ready to enter the world.

Rosie knew that this wasn't going to be easy for either of you.

Of course, she knows she's not the one who's about to bring life into the world.

But it's hard on her to see you in so much pain.

However, it's so much more intense than either of you thought it would be.

Every second is just excruciating and uncomfortable.

At first, you were all smiles and you were full of excitement as you told yourself that you were more than ready and capable of bringing the little human that you and Rosé have been waiting so long to meet.

But now, in the thirteenth hour, you have had more than enough.

Your strength has faded and you feel as though this agony that you're in will never end.

"I can't do it anymore." You sniffled and Rosie's heart shattered.

"Shh," She softly spoke. "It's okay, my love. You can do it, I know you can."

You shook your head and then fell into her arms weakly as the pain finally faded slightly, giving you a moment, though a short one, of relief.

"You're doing such a great job, baby. I'm so proud of you." She whispered as she held you tight. "I know you can do this. If anyone can, it's you. You're doing a fantastic job, my love."

The pain returned a moment later and you whimpered before squeezing her hand with a tight grip as she continued to try and comfort you.

It felt like an eternity before your baby was finally ready to enter the world, but, really, it was just a couple of long and grueling hours later.

Curled up on the hospital bed, Rosie continued to let you squeeze her hand as tight as you needed to.

She was sure she had lost all feeling in it at this point but whatever you needed to help cope with the pain you were in, she was happy to do.

"That's my girl. Squeeze my hand as tight as you need to." She whispered as she kissed your forehead. "I'm right here with you."

Until now, you were convinced the pain couldn't possibly get worse than this.

But you were proven wrong as you brought your baby into the world.

Whimpers left your lips, sweat rolled down your forehead, you squeezed Rosé' hand with all the strength you had, and you tried to stay focused on the fact that very soon, your baby would be here.

If Rosé hadn't been there for you, if she had been stuck on tour thousands of miles away or just couldn't have made it here in time for the baby to be born, there's no way you would've been able to do it.

With her soft, warm voice in your ear and the comforting and encouraging words that fell from her lips, you managed to do it.

Your baby had entered the world.

Almost forty minutes later, your baby had been born, and you had never felt so much relief.

Rosie was in tears as she kissed your cheek and stared at your little girl as she rested on your chest.

Rosé Imagines - book three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now