you lose your wedding ring and she gets mad (requested)

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"Where is it? This isn't happening! Where did it go?" You spoke in a panic as you continued to search all around the room for your wedding ring.

You don't know what happened to it.

To be honest, you don't even remember taking it off.

But it's no longer on your finger so, apparently, you must've at some point.

"How is this happening? Think, Y/N, think! Where did you take it off at?" You asked yourself as you tried to think back to when you took it off.

But it just wasn't coming to mind.

"Hey, baby!" Rosie smiled as she entered the bedroom.

But her smile faded as soon as she saw what the room looked like.

"What happened in here?"

She's used to the bedroom being pretty messy.

You're not exactly a super clean person, though you have tried to be to the best of your ability since you and Rosie got married and bought a beautiful and spacious home together.

You've definitely improved but she's used to seeing it on the messier side still.

"I know you're a little messy but this is pretty intense, even for you, baby." She chuckled.

"Right. Uh," You started to say.

But Rosé noticed something.

"Where's your ring?"

"What?" You asked, playing dumb.

"Your ring is gone."

You hung your head because you knew there wasn't much you could say.

You couldn't lie your way out of this one.

"I lost it."

"Y-You lost your wedding ring?" She asked as she started to become a little angry.

"How do you lose your wedding ring?"

"I don't know! I don't even remember taking it off."

"Gee, Y/N, I wonder where you could've lost it! Who would ever know with this pigsty that is our bedroom!?"

"Okay, I get that you're mad but-"

"But? Baby, that ring cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars! I got it made special for you. And you just lose it?"

"Okay, maybe we can just say misplaced? It makes me feel better." You said.

"God, Y/N, look at this mess! How are we ever supposed to find it?"

"In my defense, I tore the room apart looking for it."

"Really? You could've fooled me. With how messy you are, I figured this was just how you were going to keep the room today."

"Come on, baby. Don't be like this. Look, I know I'm not the cleanest person. I'm trying, okay? I'm working on that. I'm used to it being just me in my own home so it's different with someone else. I'm used to there being a place for everything and everything being in its place in what you call a mess."

She brushed her hand across her forehead as she shook her head.

"I just can't believe you lost it." She said as she went into the bathroom.

She started searching in there.

"Have you checked in here yet?"

"No. I just noticed it was gone a few minutes ago so I just started looking in here." You said.

Rosé looked at the counter and when she didn't see it there, she began to check the drawers.

She figured it was a long shot but it was still worth looking.

That way, you could say that you did look everywhere.

She checked the top drawer and, to her relief, she spotted your ring inside.

She pulled it out and walked back into the bedroom.

"Find it?"

"No. I'm sorry, okay? I lost it because I'm messy and stupid." You grumbled as you sat down on the edge of the bed, frustrated.

"know you won't find it because I just did." She said as she handed it to you.

"You found it!" You gasped as she sat down beside you."I totally forgot I put it in the drawer when I showered so I wouldn't lose it down either of the drains!"

"That explains it." She chuckled.

"Yeah." You said as you prepared to put it back on.

"Wait, give it back." She said and you handed it to her, watching as she slid it on your finger. "There. Back right where it belongs."

You smiled and thanked her.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to snap at you or hurt your feelings at all. I also never called you stupid. That's something I'd never do."

"I know." You said quietly.

"Baby, everyone loses things from time to time and everyone's a little messy. You're just a little messier than normal."

"Gee, thanks, babe. I feel much better." You said.

"It's not a bad thing though. I love you for it."

"I'll try to do better, I promise."

"It's okay. I'll help you out. Just know that I accept your messy ways and I love you just the same for it."

You giggled as she kissed your lips.

"I love you too."

"So no more being mad or sad. We found your ring and everything's fine." She said.


"Okay." You said and stole a few more kisses from her lips.

"Come on, I'll help you clean up."

"Thank you, baby." You said as you both started to clean up, both of you thankful and happy that your ring had been found and everything was okay again.

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