Chapter 19 Segment 9- (Troops) Dragon

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Dragons are the 9th troop that you will be getting in the barracks. Dragons are expensive and yet they train so so so long. Dragons are your 3rd flying troops in the game. Also dragons have splash area attacks like wizards. These kind of troops are best for wars, although sometimes other clashers trains them and donates it to other clashers for normal raids only. What a waste of your time. Dragons have a capacity of 20 troops. Dragons can be killed easily when it's surrounded by archers or wizards.

YES GUYS!!!! 2 more chapters before I end this book. Well I just want to thank for all of the people out there who acctually likes my book. I really appreciate it! :)

Also when I end this book I hope I could reach my goal by getting 100+ votes and 1k reads.
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