Chapter 14 Segment 4- (Troops) Goblins

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Goblins are the fourth troop that you will get in the barracks. You might think that these kinds of troops are for looting, but they're not. Goblins are used for normal raids only. They are expensive, but they train fast. I suggest for you not to use goblins in war because looting is not important in war, and if other clashers see you using goblins in war, they might think you're acting rashly. A goblin's favorite structure to destroy are mines, elixir collectors, gold storages, and elixir storages. Goblins can also break walls faster than a wallbreaker when they attack in groups.

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Can I get 2 more votes so I will make chapter 15!  Also thank you for the 500+ reads! You guys are the best.

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