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When you are hunting for trophies, you should attack bases that have townhalls outside of the base. When attacking town hall seven bases and higher townhall levels, make sure to be careful because sometimes they put hidden teslas beside their townhall and those teslas pop up immediatley and could kill those archers instantly, so that's why when I hunt for townhalls, I always bring those big and strong giants with me for giants like attacking defenses and they could help you a lot on destroying those teslas.  I have noticed that when townhall hunting, you should only take down the townhall because when you destroy other structures like army camps or barracks, they will give you 6 trophies only. And when you just destroy the townhall, they will give you 10 to 11 trophies.

Hope you try this tips they work properly :)

The picture up there shows you what kind of bases you should attack.

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